Chapter 2

If Eliza had known that her start to the week would have been so hard, she would have made the decision to stay at home. Noah did nothing but brag about Audrey's assets the whole way. She wanted so much to ask him to shut up but, as always, she preferred to listen to him. After several minutes of walking, they arrive at the school ten minutes late, which she wanted to avoid at all costs. Not to arrange the affairs of the young lady, she starts the day with a rather strict teacher who risks not allowing her to enter class. Not studying the same subjects, the young people separate at the entrance to the school and Eliza approaches, hesitantly, her classroom.

- Hello sir, she says shyly when she arrives at the door of her classroom. May I come in please?

- Miss Clark! Do you know what time it is?

- It's eight fifteen. Forgive me for being late...

- Exactly. You are fifteen minutes late. It's not the first time you've come to this hour! Do you remember what I told you if you were late for my class one more time?

- Yes, I remember, she replies shamefully, head down. You told me you wouldn't let me in.

- Besides, you remember! In this case, either you take me for a complete idiot, or you don't give a damn about me!

- I'm really sorry, sir...

The teenager doesn't know what to say to be forgiven. Now, if she had stopped listening to Noah's stories, she would have arrived on time.

- I'll give you one last chance, Miss Clark, but this is the last time I'll do you this favor. Next time, you'll go straight to the principal's office. Am I clear enough?

- Yes, sir...

- Go in your place, he told her before going back to his class.

Eliza didn't expect her teacher to be lenient with her. Sitting at her desk, she fails to listen to the teacher, continually thinking back to the conversation she had earlier with Noah, not realizing the teacher is talking to her. Seeing that she has a moment of absence, Alison Monteiro, an excellent friend who is seated right behind her, touches her shoulder, startling her.

- Miss Clark... You arrive late and you allow yourself not to follow my class? Mr. Green asks him authoritatively.

- I... I'm really sorry, she mumbles, starting to panic. I had vertigo.

- That's not what it seemed to me. Please take your things and get out of my class; I don't need a student like you in my class.

- Please don't do this, she begs him when she wasn't expecting it. I'm going to fall way behind if I miss this class.

- Really? he asks her in an amused tone. You have already lost fifteen minutes of class with your delay and, there, you were visibly lost I don't know where. How late are you talking to me? Missing the end of class will not be a real loss.

Considering how much she pissed off Mr. Green, Eliza knows there's no point in arguing with him when he's so angry because he won't change his mind. Having no other choice, she picks up her things, which she has just taken out of her bag, and is about to leave when the teacher stops her.

- Don't go too far; I have to talk to you...

- Very well, she answers before leaving.

The teenager does not feel well. As her teacher asked her not to go away, she stays in the hallway. She has held back her tears so much that, now that she is alone, she can no longer hold them back and she lets them out. At the same time, Mr. Green comes out of the classroom and he surprises her in tears, much to her surprise.

- What is happening to you Miss? You're not in this state because I kicked you out of my class anyway?

- No, it's not for that, she answers him while she wipes the tears which run abundantly on her cheeks.

- I suspected that there must be a problem somewhere. Do you want to talk about it?

Mr. Green takes Eliza to an empty classroom so that she can confide more easily.

- I don't really want to.

- It would be nice if you did. I have the impression that this is what blocks you in your studies. You're also bad because of a boy, aren't you?

Eliza nods her head.

- Tell me what's going on.

- The students miss class because of me...

- Don't worry... I gave them homework.

The teenager takes a deep breath and starts, understanding that her teacher will not give in.

- I'm in love with someone, but he doesn't even realize it. And he says he knows me...

- Did you talk to him about it?

- This is my best friend. If I let him know that I have feelings for him, I'm afraid of losing his friendship and that's something I can't understand, she explains to him.

- It's true that it's a risk to take, but you can't go on like this! You are smart, but your performance has been steadily declining for some time. If this continues, I'll find myself having to call your parents to talk to them about it, and I don't think that's what you want.

- I doubt very much that telling my parents about it will change anything.

- Why not? he wonders.

- They know I'm in love with my best friend. Do you think they can control my feelings?

- I understand that you are going through a difficult stage, but you have to pull yourself together, Miss. You are young and very intelligent. You have always brought back excellent results - before the last quarter - and I find it a shame that you are wasting your future on a love affair.

- What else can I do, sir? If I turn my back on him, his future will be completely ruined.

- Do you think it's worth it to suffer so much when the person in question does not even know that you are suffering because of him?

- I will never have the strength to see him suffer because I let him down. I show myself strong in his presence, but sometimes he realizes that I am not well. So, I invent an excuse so that he doesn't find out the truth.

- You must find a solution Miss. As I told you, you have a lot of potential and I don't want you to repeat at the end of the year. For today, I would advise you to go home so that you can put your thoughts in place.

- I'm going to miss a lot of classes if I go back now, she interrupts him.

- In the state you are now, it is useless to stay. You will not be able to take any classes. So go home and come back in great shape tomorrow. For my part, I will make sure that you have all your notes. Would that be okay with you?

- Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for listening to me without judging me...

- Don't thank me. On the other hand, I would like you to do me the favor of being in class on time and in great shape tomorrow, he told her before he got up to go back to class.

Eliza feels relieved. She had no idea she was going to confide, and even less to Mr. Green, but this conversation did her a lot of good, even if it didn't mean that she smiled again. Listening to the teacher's advice, she sadly returns home to rest hoping that she will be better before the end of the day, knowing full well that Noah will come to check on her when he learns that she has returned early.