Chapter 5

Eliza's night was very restless. Already that she was slow to find sleep, she woke up several times following a few nightmares where she saw herself losing Noah. His morning, however, is no better. She keeps thinking about the conversation she had the day before with the man she loves, not knowing what to do. As it is six o'clock in the morning, the young lady dresses and puts on make-up to hide her puffy eyes before going to the park. With everything that is currently happening to her, the teenager has completely forgotten that Noah's conquest will accompany them every morning. Unlike the previous day, the young man is on time and she sees a lovely young lady with a fine figure, long blond hair and blue eyes accompanying him.

- "It's no wonder she caught Noah's eye. She is beautiful! Why is he going to be interested in me when he can have better? she thinks as she watches her walk gracefully.

- Hi... I presume you're Eliza? asks Audrey, smiling, once they have arrived in front of her.

- Hello. It's me, she replies before shaking his hand, forcing a smile.

- I was in a hurry to meet you; Noah told me a lot about you.

- He also told me a lot about you.

- You're her best friend, right?

- That's exactly it. We are best friends and we always try to support each other when one of us is not well.

- When he talks to me about you, you almost think you're perfect.

- That may be the case, jokes Eliza, which made the young lady laugh.

Noah is touched. He sees that Eliza is not well, but it makes him particularly happy to see that her best friend is making efforts to sympathize with Audrey. As he watches them, he is struck by something that puzzles him: Eliza doesn't have her class stuff with her.

- Where are your school things, Eliza? Don't tell me you forgot them at home?

- No, I haven't forgotten them. I'm not going to class today.

- Why not? he wonders. You already have a lot of catching up to do! Don't forget you missed class yesterday.

- I am aware of it, but I slept very badly last night. So, I have headaches. I don't think I'll be able to attend classes in this state.

- You shouldn't have come, let's see! You could have texted me to let me know you weren't going to class today!

- I could have done it, but I have no credit. I did not have the choice; you would have waited for me for nothing.

- Why couldn't you sleep? Audrey is interested.

- In fact, I'm going through a little moment of depression, but I don't think it's serious.

Eliza looks at Noah for a moment before looking away.

- It would be better for you to be careful, advises the conquest of the young man. Depression very often leads to suicide if not treated in time.

- I'll go see a doctor if it still doesn't go away in a few days, Eliza replies, trying to smile.

- The current passes rather well between you. I'm going to take this opportunity to let you chat for a while, the time for me to go buy myself something to eat because I haven't had time to have my breakfast.

- "Don't do that Noah! I don't want to be alone with her…" Eliza thought to herself.

- Come on, sweetie. Eliza and I have a lot to say to each other, Audrey replies with a smile.

- "Sweetie? How come do you call him sweetie when you are not yet in a relationship? asks the young lady, already beginning to be jealous. "I love you so much Noah. What should I do to get you to notice me?

Not wanting to be late for class once again, Noah quickly goes to a grocery store. Meanwhile, Eliza watches him walk away without realizing that Audrey is staring at her with dark eyes.

- You love him, don't you? Audrey suddenly asks Eliza, startling her.

- Excuse me?

- Don't play that with me; I'm far from stupid, she replies dryly, quickly showing her true face. Do you think I didn't see how you look at him?

- You are on the wrong track Audrey. Noah is nothing but a very good friend. Your kindness in front of Noah was just a charade?

- But you would like him to notice you, wouldn't you? Audrey immediately raises without paying any attention to the question of the young lady who is in front of her.

- What's your problem with me, by the way? Eliza retaliates, finally deciding to get her claws out.

- I'm not going to cut corners to tell you; I have a huge problem with you. You spend way too much time with my boyfriend and it bothers me a lot. I want you to walk away from him little by little until you are no longer a part of his life. I don't think it's hard to do.

- Why do I have to give you this pleasure? As far as I know, you and Noah aren't together and I doubt that will ever happen.

- You don't know me very well, sweetheart. I always get what I want, and I want Noah. Besides, I don't think it will be difficult to get it; it's almost already walking in my hand... If I have to use force to get rid of you, I won't hesitate to do so.

- Do you really think you're scaring me with your threats? asks Eliza, a sly smile on her lips.

- I was nice enough to ask you nicely to get away from Noah. If you don't, someone might stab you in an alley without you expecting it. As far as I know, you have to borrow three to get home.

- I would like to see that, imagine. If you think I'm going to let you separate from Noah without beating me, you're putting your finger in your eye, Eliza warns her, determined not to let this happen. Indeed, I am in love with Noah and I have no intention of offering him to you on a plate.

- I wish you good luck in this case, but I warn you in advance that you will regret it.

Animosity is felt between the teenage girls, but they calm down as soon as Noah joins them. As soon as he joins them, the young man feels that a tension has set in, even if the young ladies try somehow to hide it with slight smiles, but he decides not to get involved, at least not yet, especially since he has no idea what caused this tension.

- How are you girls? he asks them, knowing full well that he won't get an answer.

- I think it would be best for us to set off; we risk arriving late to class and it's not my habit, Audrey snaps curtly, with the intention of provoking Eliza to make a scandal in front of the young man, but she doesn't come in not in his game.

- See you soon Noah, Eliza suddenly launches before giving him a tender kiss on the cheek. Come see me in the afternoon. I have something to show you. "You're going to regret looking for me, you bloody shit," the young lady said to herself without paying the slightest attention to Audrey.

Noah is uncomfortable. He understands that the two women in his life do not get along at all and all he has to do is find a way to handle this situation. As they set off for school, Eliza can't help but glare at Audrey as she walks. If at first, she intended to leave the field open to the young lady so that Noah could be happy, the teenager is now determined to do everything so that the man of her dreams is interested in her and, above all, do everything possible to make her rival's life hellish.