Chapter 10

Eliza has once again had a bad night. She's so demoralized that she doesn't want to risk running into Noah and Audrey but, having already missed two days of school, she knows she can't afford to miss any more. Instinctively, she goes to the park but, when she arrives, she remembers that the man she loves told her not to wait for him anymore. Immediately, she retraces her steps and goes directly to school, all alone. This situation hurts her so much that the tears flow in the process and, so that people do not notice that she is crying, she walks with her head down. Arrived at high school, the teenager goes directly to her classroom, not wanting to see anyone, but she has the unpleasant surprise of meeting those she does not want to see. So as not to pass near them, she turns around and takes another path when she is joined by Alison.

- Hello my beautiful, she says before seeing that she looks bad. Why are you crying?

- I miss Noah so much. By dint of having had the habit of coming to school with him, I went to wait for him when he said not to do it anymore. As if that weren't enough, I just passed them in the yard. He seemed so happy... I'm starting to think that maybe I'm too much in his life after all.

- You should have told me yesterday when I called you! We would have come together!

- You have a transport that drops you directly here...

- How do you think I could have let you come alone, especially since you're not well at the moment? I could have picked you up in the car! You are my best friend, let's see. It pains me to see you suffer so much and it bothers me that I can't do anything to help you!

- You're a great friend, Alison, but there are things that unfortunately can't be fixed.

- Everything can be arranged my darling. You just have to fight to get what you want.

- How can I fight when he accuses me of saying something I never said?

- Is that a reason not to defend yourself? I can, therefore, easily stick a murder on your back and you will do nothing to defend yourself!

While the ladies are talking, the bell rings and they go to class. On entering, the teacher sees Eliza in her place and, wanting to know how she is, he asks her to come out to check on her.

- Hello Miss Clark, are you feeling better?

- I'm better sir, she lies to him so that he doesn't send her home again.

- Are you sure? I don't really believe it, he told her, staring into her eyes. I feel like you cried this morning.

- It's true, she admits finally.

- Is it still for the same problem?

- Actually, it got worse.

- What do you mean, aggravated? asks Mr. Green, surprised.

- My best friend doesn't want to talk to me anymore...

- You have to find a solution to overcome this problem; you can't go on like this anymore!

- There is no solution sir. I'm trying my best to look strong, but I can't.

- You are seventeen Miss and you are mature enough to make the necessary decisions! Are you going to remain in this state throughout your life if the man you love no longer wants to speak to you?

- I don't know, she answers him before crying hot tears.

- Your condition worries me and I want to help you, but I don't know what to do anymore. I thought it would be better with a few days off, but unfortunately it didn't work out.

- It was better, but he came to my house last night and we had a fight.

- I find myself obliged to summon your parents.

- Are you really going to do that sir? asks the young lady worrying.

- You leave me no other choice. Your condition will affect your academic performance and, as your teacher, I cannot allow such a thing to happen.

- Don't do that sir, begs Eliza. I would be in trouble...

- Didn't you tell me that your parents knew about your feelings for your best friend?

- They do, but they don't know that I'm in a phase of depression.

- I'm not doing this to get you in trouble, but to get you better! You're not concentrating in class anymore and that bothers me.

- I will do everything to change that.

- It would be better if they knew so they could help you! It's their job to make sure you get better.

- Are you really going to ask them to come? she asks him sadly, hoping he'll change his mind.

- I have no other choice, Miss Clark. I hope you won't hold it against me. I do it for your good.

- I don't blame you, she told him, trying to give him a smile.

- I told you everything I had to tell you. I'll send you the notes you missed, and I sincerely hope you won't be lost in thought this morning.

Life is hounding Eliza. She is very sad to have lost her best friend but, since Mr. Green intends to summon his parents, she has every intention of pulling herself together to ensure that this does not happen. Even if Noah is still in a corner of her head, the young lady makes sure to be attentive to the explanations and she also participates with the hope that her teacher will end up changing her mind.