Chapter 19

Everything seems to be going well between Noah and Eliza. Reconciled, they are sitting on the swing with Eliza who has her head resting on the young man's shoulder. She wants so badly to confess her feelings to him, but she can't manage to get started, afraid that he won't feel the same way, especially since he's been obsessed with Audrey for some time. As it has been a long time since they spoke to each other, the two young people do not pay attention to the time that passes. However, it is only two hours later that Noah realizes that the sun is beginning to set. Before he gets kicked out by his best friend's parents, he decides to go back home. However, before he leaves, the young woman is very strong against her the one for whom she has feelings, not wanting this moment to end. As soon as he leaves the courtyard, Eliza returns with a broad smile. Seeing her like this, Alizee does not hesitate to approach her to find out how her daughter spent this moment alone with her Noah.

- I have the impression that you had a great time with your lover, you! her mother teases her with a smile.

- Why do you say that?

- Because you're radiant.

- I was so afraid of losing him that it really made me happy to see him again and that we reconciled. Besides, he's the one who came to see me. Like what, he missed me... I had missed this feeling of well-being enormously and it did me a lot of good to feel like this again, she added happily.

- Did you tell her that you love her? asks Angel, suddenly entering the conversation.

- No, I preferred not to.

- You should have taken advantage of it; you were alone. Besides, you would have known his feelings, his big sister told him. As far as I'm concerned, I don't intend to speak to him anytime soon.

- Why not? laughs Eliza.

- You know very well that I hate being disrespected.

- You know very well that this is not his type. I wait a little longer to ask him for an explanation regarding his attitude. I find that Audrey has a very bad influence on him... she said before turning to her mother. Thanks for not telling him I was in love with him, mom. By the way, would you give me permission to give Alison a call? I would like to tell him that Noah and I are reconciled.

- Go ahead, but avoid staying on the line too long.

- Count on me, mom.

- Do you really believe that she will be able to be quick when she has just reconnected with Noah? Angel asks her mother in a mocking tone before her little sister leaves the room. She will certainly take the opportunity to tell him at length about her reconciliation.

- You don't have to worry; I'll try to be brief, replies the young woman, sticking her tongue out at him before leaving.

Eliza is over the moon. The fact that Noah came to see her allowed her to smile again and this smile never left her. As soon as she gets to the phone, she dials her friend's number and, as the intonations are heard, she can't help but relive in her mind what happened to her a little earlier.

- Hi sweetie, Alison replies a few moments later. Don't tell me you're still sad?

- On the contrary, I'm fine!

Alison hadn't expected this.

- How is this possible?

- We made up, Noah and I, she replies excitedly.

- What happened? Tell me! I want to know everything! Alison gets carried away.

- He came to apologize to me. We talked for a long time and he confessed to me that he missed our friendship. He has just left from elsewhere.

- And given your current state, it seems to me that you have accepted his apologies...

- Of course, but I must admit that I made him row a little before accepting.

- You really did that? wonders her friend, surprised.

- Of course, I did. I wanted to know if he really cared about me and, to do so, I had to know if he would fight for us to find the bond of yesteryear, and it made me happy to know that was the case.

- I'm happy for you Eliza; It hurt me a lot to know you've been so sad these last few days.

- It's true that it was painful, but wait because there is better! Imagine that he's about to ask Audrey to go elsewhere if she doesn't accept me in her life.

- Thereupon, I would not stamp with joy so quickly. It would be better if you waited to have the proof first.

- You're not wrong. Already at the very beginning, I would never have believed that he would put me aside for this plague, but he did nevertheless. So, you're right that I should be suspicious anyway.

- Can I ask you a question? Alison asks her as the sound of her voice suddenly changes.

- Of course!

- Now that you and Noah are friends again, I guess you'll probably spend a lot more time with him now...

- Of course! I have every intention of making up for lost time...

- Basically, you'll spend less time with me, she understands sadly.

- How can you believe such a thing? It's true that I'm going to try to make up for lost time with Noah, but I'm not going to put you aside! It is out of the question for me to do such a thing. You are the one who has always been there for me in these difficult times...

- It's nice to recognize him, Alison told him, regaining a bit of serenity.

- It's amazing that you can think that I would do such a thing to you. Let me remind you that I am not a heartless monster like many people believe, Eliza jokes.

- I know about it, but let me remind you that I only saw you in class before you had any disagreements with him.

- That's true, but that was before. Our ties have grown stronger in the meantime and I can't stand you being away from me. Noah and you are the dearest things in my life.

Eliza has so many things to tell her friend that she has completely forgotten the instructions. While she is in the middle of a discussion, she sees her mother appear in front of her and look at her furiously. Suddenly, the young lady hangs up immediately so as not to get into trouble. Then, she happily goes to her room and, as soon as she lies down on her bed, she thinks back to the time spent with Noah, and hopes that it lasts.