Chapter 22

As it is the first time that Eliza is in high school so early, the young lady finds herself alone in the school playground. Alison not having arrived yet, Eliza takes advantage of this moment to go get a makeover in the girls' toilets since she has perspired a little after her walk. However, as the misadventure of the last time still runs through her head, she tries to find someone who would be likely to accompany her but, not finding anyone, she takes her courage in both hands and she goes there. alone hoping that everything goes well this time. However, as she dusts her face, she is terrified when she hears the door slam. A few seconds later, she sees Audrey appear in the mirror, but the fact that she is alone relieves the young lady somewhat.

- I have to talk to you, bitch, the young lady who is standing less than fifty meters from Eliza tells her dryly.

- "What else does she want from me?" You could start by saying hello! adds Eliza without even bothering to look at her rival, continuing to powder her face.

- Do you think I'm interested in saying hello to you? I have things to tell you and I would like you to listen to me very carefully because I will not repeat myself.

- I wouldn't listen to you; what you have to say to me does not interest me at all. It would be nice if you could leave me. Just seeing you any longer might ruin my morning...

- You will listen to me by force if necessary! Audrey says, raising her voice before slapping Eliza's hand, which knocks her brush off.

- Your bad manners are seriously starting to annoy me Audrey, says Eliza before turning to face her rival.

- That's the least of my worries, bitch. Are you going to listen to me now or do I have to be even more brutal so that you pay attention to what I have to say to you?

- I would like to see that, imagine. By the way, where's your gang of bullies? They let you down?

- You should consider yourself lucky they haven't arrived yet. Otherwise, they would have taken care of you.

- You have no idea how much I'm shaking right now. Here, look! Eliza exclaims with a big smile, shaking her hands.

Audrey begins to lose patience. She is surprised to see that the young woman reacts in this way and she finds herself obliged to be feared so as not to lose face.

- Don't look for me bitch; you don't know what I'm capable of.

- For your information, my name is Eliza. If you love this new name, use it with your friends instead. They are the real sluts.

- You think you're untouchable from what I see...

- I don't feel strong Audrey, Eliza takes her back. I'm just not afraid of you. Alright, now you're really starting to piss me off. What do you want from me?

- It's weird that you don't know.

- You wanted me to listen to you, but now I also have to guess what you have to say to me? That's very smart! laughs Eliza who takes malicious pleasure in driving her rival crazy. Wouldn't surprise me if it had something to do with Noah. That's the only reason you spend your life messing with me.

- What should I do for you to understand that he's my boyfriend and that I don't want to see you near him?

- Already, it's not your guy. You are not in a relationship as far as I know. Besides, how do I make you understand that I will never stop talking to him? He is my best friend and it will always be that way.

- I don't care if he's your best friend!

- Now that I think about it, I have no orders to take from you, Audrey. "Do what you want sweetie, but you're wrong if you think I'm going to give you the man I love on a plate. I am madly in love with him and I intend to fight for him, whether you like it or not."

Realizing that the young woman will not give in, Audrey leaves for a few seconds before returning with a broomstick before approaching her rival with the dark look.

- What are you planning to do with this broom? asks Eliza, pretending to be always strong but, deep down, she's starting to panic because she understands that Audrey intends to use it on her.

- I'm doing what it takes for you to understand that I'm not kidding when I tell you that I don't want to see you hovering around Noah.

- You can still run. I won't give in to your whims again, with or without threats, Eliza told him while sticking to her guns.

Seeing red, Audrey gives him a violent blow in the stomach, which makes Eliza kneel. Writhing in pain, she kneels down clutching her stomach as tears begin to stream down her cheeks.

- So, my darling, you still don't want to give in? asks Audrey, a winning smile on her face. Do you realize that none of this would have happened if you had just kept your distance like I asked you to? But no. Mademoiselle prefers to play the smartest one. You're just a complete idiot!

- You will never achieve your goals. I will never let Noah go, no matter what you try to keep us apart.

- What do I have to do for you to understand? asks Audrey, disconcerted, when she was certain of reaching her goal. Getting angrier, she gives him another violent blow, always in the same place. "If you think I'm going to quit just because you play forte, you're wrong, bitch."

- Go ahead Audrey... Kill me if you wish, says Eliza as the pain begins to become unbearable.

- If that's your wish, either...

- Are you threatening me, Audrey?

- Take it as you want but, as I told you before, I always get what I want. "You don't know who you're dealing with yet, Eliza. If it takes killing you to get rid of you, I certainly won't hesitate to do so."

- "You're certainly not going to make my life easy, but you'll have to get your claws out if you want to oust me from Noah's life." The way you act makes me want to fight for his love even more."

Eliza is in pain. She is writhing in pain from the beatings she has received, but she is doing her best to hold herself upright so that no one will notice she has been beaten when she leaves the bathroom. The young woman no longer intends to let it go and as soon as Audrey leaves the room, surprised that her rival has not given in, she picks up her things and goes to wait for Alison on a bench, hoping that her pain will subside in the meantime.