chapter 6: After confirming system level 1 ability, i squat down and brought out that wooden box from under the bed.

After opening this bodies past owners wooden box ,i looked inside this box . There is a big diary, a few dolls, few wilted flowers, 1 gold coin, 3 bronze coin and 122 silver coins.

After moment of contemplation, i decided not to read that diary as it might contain stories about this lovesick fool and that bitches stories, which i am not interested at.And i can easily remember every important event from the previous owners memory. So this diary is no use to me. I fear that if i start reading it, i might start to feel love for that witch, which may cause my demise because of the oath.So no need to read this shitty book. Except for money, i see no value in any of them.

After collecting all of the money, i put the box where it was originally.

In Hartage kingdom, coins one side has a old guys depiction and other side got a picture of the royal castle's ! every coin has 1 value, so no number are depicted on them.

100 silver coin=1 bronze coin

100 bronze coin =1 gold coin

that's how value of coins are.

I currently have 1 gold coin,3 bronze coin and 122 silver coins.Simply put, i have 1 gold and 422 silver coins.

This lovesick was saving his money to buy that witch some flowers.How stupid he really is! Did she ate his brain that his brain only has a single command [love her!] How ridiculous!

I picked the gold coins and keep admiring its beauty for a few moment. After that i put all of silver and bronze coins in a small cloth bag and keep the bag and gold coin in my pockets.

There's no greater joy than having money in Your pocket!!!!!! No matter whatever world you are, you must need money!

This coins are knowns as mortal coins. Mages uses mana coins which have a lot of purchasing power. I don't know the ratio with the gold coins, but it must be more valuable and beautiful!

I wonder how one looks like! Can't wait to see one with my own eyes!

While Aetius was thinking about hartage kingdom currencies, he heard this school bells tintinnabulation. It chimed 14 times quickly. It's 2 PM already.

'I need to buy a mana light stones.'

There's no way! I can't sleep 8-12 hours a day ! I do not have or want to have this lazy habit at all! 6-8 hour is perfect time for sleep. Any more than than is just a waste of your life.It is good to have a short nap after lunch.

I only have 4 sets of clothes. 1 for school, two for wearing in dormitories and last one for going out of the school boundaries.

I quickly wore the shirt,tie,a small hat,pant, shoes.There are no mirror to check how i look, but i am sure that would not be bad.

I have to come back before with the or i have to sleep at footpath as they will shut the gates off and will not open them untill next day sun rise!

Now is around 2, so i have less than 4 hours before dusk! Nearest bazaar is approximately 30 minutes on foot away and it will only take 5 minutes in horse carriages.

I came out off big school entrance and stood infront of the road for a carriages to pick me up. I waited for around 10 minutes and decided not to waste any more time started to strode toward the bazaar.

It took me about half an hour to reach the bazaar.Along the way i didn't see much carriages, only a few passenger carriages driven by different type of animals like deer,ox,cow,horse,wolves etc but they were all full of customers.

If the memories are correct,This road should be full of passenger carriages. But there are very few of the carriages and the market is less bustling than normal. Something smells fishy!

After walking around for 5 minutes, i found a shop which seems to sell light stones.

I entered the shop by opening the door. Inside is big room where there are a lot of shelves. Shelves are full packed with myriad types of things. The shop now has few customers who were walking shelves to shelves searching for their desired item.Theres a desk opposite side of the door, where an old men was siting and looks like he is busy bargaining with a customer.

I started to look around the shop. In one of the shelves, It was full of small capped glasses. They were all named in codes, so didn't understand what are these but it is clear that these are alchemical liquids.

Another shelve is full of many array inscription papers.Array magis disciples made them, as for arrays that are made by array path magis, they are not something that can easily be displayed for normal people.It is said, if an ordinary people look at an array that an array path magi inscribed themselves, it will cause sever headache to normal peoples.

When i was looking around, i saw many magic beasts body parts like eyes, heart,liver,kidney, pancreases, head, hair,nails, blood all stored inside the sealed glasses.

Soon something attracted my attention, it was magic beasts gallbladder! different type of magic beasts gallbladder are displayed in this shelves.

soon a massage pop up in my head.[ Discovered 45 different types of magic beasts gallbladders , Do you wish to use it to upgrade ? ]

I shook my head rejecting the systems massage. If i were to accept, than how will i explain where these gallbladders gone? As i was the closed to these when they disappeared.This will be akin to a foolish act.Which will may cause my reincarnation and system secrets to be public. which is a worst nightmarish situation!!!!!

Putting a heavy stone on my heart, i started to walk away to other shelves. Soon i discovered light stones.They are all stored in glass containers. There are many colors,size and quality light stones.

After seeing them, i go to reception to ask the old guy.

"How much for a white light stone enough to illuminate this desk?"

old men old looked at me and said,

"lights that will go on for 10 full nights costs 10 silver, 50 full nights will be 40 silver,100 full nights stone will be 80 silver coins"

looks like the 100 full nights ones are more cost friendly than cheaper ones.

"too much, i will give 60 silver for 100 full nights one."

"No little one, i can only deduct 10 silver coin at best, no more than that."

"How about 65 silver coins? if not than good bye"

"okay you won, 65 it is, wait for a second. "

He got up from his chair and brought an white light stone which was wraped in a small paper bag. In the bag there was a simple array inscribed to it.As long as the light stone is inside this inscribed paper bag, it will not emit its luminances.

The shopkeeper bring the stone out of the bag. It was a egg shaped white stone, the moment it was bring out of the bag, it started to illuminate its surroundings.Its light was really beautiful and dazzling. After letting me to see, he put the stone inside the bag

I paid him 70 silver coins. 5 silver for the array paper bag . After that i asked him,

"grandpa, how much a rank 1 fire salamanders gallbladder cost?"

He replied, " 4 gold coins"

Hearing his reply, i become depressed. I need to gather 1000 different types of magic beaste gallbladder!

" Why so much cost? are all of the magic beasts gallbladders cost that much?"

"magic beasts Gallbladders are used by alchemist,medic, array path magis. A rank 1 magic beasts gallbladder cost 1-10 gold coins depending on their demands.Compared to the othere cities, our cities magic beasts body parts are pretty much cheaper as we right next to the thar mountain range, where there are a lot of magic beasts. If you were to buy a rank 1 fire salamanders gallbladder from the capital's shop , It will cost you no less than 10 gold coins! "

I nodded in agreement. Than I remember something and asked,

"Why there are less public transport vehicles? "

He replied the a wary smile, "There might be a war between our Hartage kingdom and hussar kingdom. So government are collecting horses from all over the countries. Don't worry, others than horses, other type of animal carriage will remain active for transportations."

War with Hussar kingdom! Hussar kingdom is situated west side of this kingdom.Our colos city situated northeast of the Hartage kingdom,so we are far away from the battle zone. The question is will the war reach this city or can i stay out of this war?