Chapter 20 : Undercurrent part. 2

Hearing mages word, Everyone present was stunned. Marquis salter blurted out loudly,

"Rank 7 magus treasure! This price is too much. We must find another medic magi."

Medic magi twitch his mouth and thought,

"Hmph, you think medic magis are like cabbage found randomly at streets ! medic magis are rare compared to the common magis. Even my teacher who is a rank 8 magi of the medic related path lived for 48000 years but only met 19 medic magi who are same rank as him. Even though my medic aptitude was mediocre, but i successfully become a rank 8 mages student because of the rarity of this path. "

The founder of this kingdom Hartage lived around 33 thousands of years. He was a rank 8 magi before dying. In the history of this kingdom after the founders death there were only 3 rank 7 magi born in this royal family.Current high rank magi of this family is only rank 6.

So naturally they have a lot of rank 7 treasures. But they are not some random treasures that can be brought out at any kings need.

They have both strategic and historic importance. They work as a deterrence force to the the all internal and external foes.

A single treasure lost may invokes this kingdoms enemies to have some malicious intents.

Even if king wants, he can't take them out for his personal use. king is but an mortal human who is not a magi. As religious faction won't allow a magi to be a king.

King ronald is also helpless regarding this matter.He understands that his end is nearing soon. So he asked the medic magi,

"No need to use those magi treasures for this old man. I am ordinary mortal human. Living to the age 70 is a considered rare in this world compared to the ordinary mortals who's life expectancy is only around 40. "

All of the people present become sad. Maid Martha come near to the king, touched kings old hand started to cry.

Duke kropp broke the silence,

"What did the archbishop of the church of the moon mother goddess of this kingdom said? can they do something? "

Marquis Mebner shook his head and said,

"I have already contacted the archbishop of the hartz diocese.He said that their holy priest don't have the ability to heal such high level evil mana poison, so he will ask the cardinal of the church of the mother goddess for assistance . But the problem is that they are now entangled with the issue of the hersey of The principality of Antioch. They are busy in crusade against the heritic king of Antioch and his supporters.So i doubt if they have energy to focus here."

King of the principality of antioch has ordered to destroy all the churches of the mother goddess in his ruling area. Which completely angered the church. They are now leading millions of the crusaders in a war agaist the heretic king.From the battle report, things are not going well for the church as they are facing huge resistance from both local noble and pagan population.

Hearing the mention of church, medic mage salmis said in a mocking voice,

"Those followers of the evil entities ( gods) are as reckless as always . In the name of god,they force peaceful people to believe their teachings forcibly. If they do not listen, they kill innocent mortals. After killing they fake a cry to their evil entities to forgive their sins, ha ha ha. "

No one commented in response to the mages mockery of the gods.

Magus and religious faction are at odds since the time they came in contact with each other. One respects (magus) mana whereas other loathes (religious) it as root of chaos.

Throughout the known history of this world, they fought countless small battles against each other.

They even fought 7 great world wars in 1 millon years of this world history. Which almost flattened this egg-shaped earth.So they reached an agreement not to interfere in others activity.

This kingdom mostly favours magus faction, so they may not help the king Ronald in the face of an important crusade.

Mage salmis added,

"Even if i can't cure this poison. But i can slow down its spreading using medicinal herbs and time related magus treasures. "

King Ronald asked,

" muc..h timee... i... have?"

salmis replied immediately,

"If i can use a lot of magi materials and get help from at least a rank 4 time or clock path and poison path magis, i can guarantee that your majesty can last at minimum 6 years. But if you choose to get treatment from the church, then no magi will come to treat his majesty. So i will ask if his majesty want to get treatment from us or them?"

King Ronald asked to get treatment from magus side without a second thought.

He always admired mages since he was a child. He was very sad when he turned 14 but discovered that he had to magi aptitude, but the admiration was always in his heart.His ruling policy was always inclined toward the magus faction.In his 40 years of ruling, he received many help for various magus faction.The church always knew that. So the church didn't liked him that much. But he never provoked them, and they also didn't.

Duke kropp said,

"Your majesty, the Hussar kingdom is secretly mobilizing their troops in our border areas. Our spies informed of a possible invasion. Duke Remus is currently heading there with his army and requested for the permission of additional conscription of the young peasants."

Mage salmis gestured the standing maids to put down the trays. They obeyed mages order and bowed and left.

Mage salmis used mana to mix different kinds of medical treasure to create a pill instatly and helped the king to eat it.

After swallowing the pill king finally felt normal, but he knew it was temporary.

He replied to the duke,

"Hmm, these Hussar kingdom bastards really know when to make a move. "

Marquis salter said solemnly,

"Isn't it is a bit suspicious that they started to make a move when his majesty faced a failed assassination attempt?Why do i think that this is not a coincidence! I think they must have something to do with this assassination attempt! "