Chapter 11

Trey pounded Brian on the back. "You fucking loser, get off the bus. You aren't doing anyone any good sitting here drinking by yourself again."

Brian tossed back the rest of his beer. "Shut up."

"You know what you need? You need to get laid."

Trey was probably right. It had been two weeks since his weekend of bliss. It was time to forget about the amazing sex professor and move on.

"Yeah," Brian said. "I guess so."

"Sed's getting a circle suck together. Maybe you should join us."

Brian rolled his eyes at Trey. "Is that why you came over here?"

"Well, you always beat him. And he bet Eric that if he didn't win, he'd give up sex for a month."

Brian laughed. Sed didn't even bother denying his sex addiction. A month? The man would spontaneously combust. "Yeah, I'd like to see that."

"We'd all like to see that. He figured since you weren't participating, he'd win for sure."

"I'm in." Brian climbed to his feet, staggering slightly.

Trey wrapped Brian's arm around his shoulders to help him walk. "You've got to quit drinking so much."

"I know." But it dulled the pain so nicely.

His alcohol-induced buzz had started to dissipate by the time they entered the other bus.

"Brian's in," Trey announced.

Eric leapt from his chair and hugged both guitarists. "Yes!" He glanced over his shoulder at their vocalist. "You're going down, Sed."

"I thought we were going down," one of six women murmured, looking confused.

"No one invited Brian," Sed protested.

A bombshell blonde in red lipstick shot her hand into the air. "I call Master Sinclair."

"Are you chicken, Sed?" Brian asked. "Afraid you'll lose?"

Sed grabbed the nearest girl and urged her to her knees in front of his chair. She reached for his belt buckle. "I'm ready. Are you?"

Brian sat in the captain's chair next to Sed. The eager blonde knelt before him. She reached for his fly, but he caught her hand.

"Who else is in?" Brian asked.

Eric, Trey and Jace sat next to each other on the leather sofa across from the two captain's chairs. Two girls got in a scuffle over the privilege to suck off Trey. He put his hand on top of the winner's head and gave the loser his sucker. She went to sulk in the corner, licking her consolation prize.

"I'll fuck you later, babe. Okay?" Trey called to her.

Beaming, she nodded.

"The first girl to make her guy come gets a backstage pass," Sed said. "And the last guy to spend his load gets bragging rights."

"And you can't have sex for a month," Eric reminded him.

"That's only if I lose."

Zippers released, hard cocks revealed, flavored condoms rolled in place.

The blonde kneeling before Brian pulled her hand free of his and opened his pants. She soon discovered that he wasn't hard at all. His band mates were waiting for him so they could get started. Just the idea of a suck circle usually had him busting the zipper out of his pants, but the thought of this blonde chick with her candy-red lips around his dick held no appeal. Maybe a different girl? He glanced around the interior of the bus, but none of the congregated women was Myrna. His heart constricted.

"I guess I'm too drunk," he said. He zipped his pants and shoved the stunned blonde out his way before leaving the bus.

"Brian?" Trey called after him.

"Brian's out," Sed said as Brian stepped off the bottom step. "Start."

Brian walked between the buses and leaned against the back bumper. He didn't know how long he stood there just breathing. Ten minutes, maybe. He knew the guys would rib him for not being able to get it up, but that wasn't what was really bothering him. That woman. Myrna. He couldn't get her out of his head.

Trey wandered out of the bus a few minutes later. He walked past where Brian was standing, turned around and came to lean against the bus bumper beside him.

"I guess you lost," Brian said.

"I don't even try to win. The real prize is having a girl working her damnedest to make you come. Who am I to deny her a backstage pass?"

Brian grinned. "My poor girl didn't even get the chance to try."

"You've got to call her," Trey said.


Trey punched him in the arm. "Myrna, you retard. Call her."

"I don't have her number. Besides, she doesn't want to see me." He ducked his head to stare at his boots.

"I don't believe that for a second," Trey said. "And you could get her number if you really wanted to."

He laughed. "I don't even know her last name."

"Where is she from?"

"Kansas City," he said automatically, but Trey already knew that. Brian couldn't stop talking about her, so Trey knew more about Myrna than he could possibly want to know.

"And she's a professor, so she has to work at a college around there."


"And there are only so many human sexuality professors at those colleges. Maybe one or two at each, right?"

He shrugged. "I guess."

"Myrna isn't a very common name. And even if every human sexuality professor in the Kansas City area were named Myrna, you could still call them all until you found her."

"She'll be majorly pissed if I call her," Brian said, though hope fluttered through his aching heart.

"So what? If she tells you off, then maybe you'll get her out of your system, and if she doesn't, then we'll get to see you happy again. Shit, the whole band is suffering because of this funk you're in. We need you, you know. You're our glue."

Brian sighed loudly. "All right, I get it. I'll try to find her."

Trey rubbed his hand vigorously over Brian's hair until Brian leaned away, his scalp tingling.

"No need. I already have." Trey handed Brian a piece of paper with a phone number scrawled on it. Lefties and their scarcely legible handwriting. "Here's her work number. Her home phone is apparently unlisted."

"How'd you get this?"

"Internet. Her last name is Evans, by the way. Her picture was in the faculty directory."

Picture? He'd have to check it out later. See if she was as beautiful as he remembered. "When did you do this?"

"About a week ago."

Brian scowled. "And you wait until now?"

"I thought maybe you'd get over her."

Brian stared down at the slip of paper. "Now I just have to get up the nerve to have my heart shredded again."

"Don't take too long," Trey said. "I mean seriously. I've never seen you like this. Not for this long."

"Myrna's different."

Trey snorted and laughed as if they were back in the fifth grade. "You've got it bad, Sinclair."