Chapter 26

Jace carried a few of Aggie's lighter shopping bags up the tour bus steps. He paused when he noticed Eric and Jon sitting on the sofa laughing hysterically. Eric was wearing what Jace suspected was a Kevlar vest. He didn't bother asking why. The seven horseshoes nailed to the wall above the sofa were new—undoubtedly Mr. We R. Cursed's idea.

"Ah, here's little man now," Eric said, wiping tears from his eyes with the back of his wrists. "Need help carrying that stuff? I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself."

"I've got it," he said, hurrying toward the bedroom.

He'd thought he and Eric were starting to get along. Now, with the return of Jon the Magnificent, they were back to square one.

"Baby, slow down," Aggie called after him. "You've got to take it easy."

Great. Just what he needed. Aggie in smother mode in front of Eric. And worse. Jon.

Jace tossed the bags into the back bedroom, brushed past Aggie on his way back down the hall, and opened the fridge. "Now that Myrna's out of here, we need to get some fuckin' alcohol on this bus," he growled. He grabbed a bottle of orange juice from the refrigerator and slammed the door shut. He gripped the bottle with his wounded arm and attempted to unscrew the top with no success.

"Yeah, we finally get rid of Myrna and Jessica, and someone brings another chick on tour with us," Eric said.

"She can tour me any time she wants," Jon said. "What a babe."

Eric laughed. "She's too hot for little man, that's for sure."

Jace didn't have the patience to deal with their bullshit right now. He tossed the unopened juice bottle into the kitchen sink and returned to the bedroom to find Aggie sorting through her purchases. She smiled, and his pissy attitude lightened. "Where do I put my stuff? I don't want to infringe on anyone's territory," she said.

"We sort of throw all our shit together wherever it fits."

She lifted her hand to touch his face. "Sweetie, you look pale. You should lie down for a while."

"I'm fine."

"The faster you get better, the faster you can get that jackass, Jon, out of here," she whispered and turned those pretty blue eyes of hers in the direction of the common area.

She had a point. He kissed her tenderly. "I could use a nap."

"And I could use a shower and a change of clothes." She kissed the tip of his nose. "Get into bed."

"Are you going to join me?" he murmured, his hands moving to slide over her luscious ass.

"After my shower."


"Are you planning to get me all sweaty again?"

"Yeah. You'll have to do all the work. I'm just going to lie there and take it."

She smiled. "I think we'd be better off cuddling. You really do need your rest."

Geez, woman, I'm feeling inadequate enough here. He shrugged his arm out of his sling and peeled his shirt over his head. She traced the stark white tape holding his bandages in place. He needed to heal quickly for more than one reason. This new pity attitude of Aggie's grated on his last nerve. He removed the rest of his clothes and moved out of reach.

"Come join me after your shower. Don't bother putting on clothes."

She grinned. "If you insist."

"Towels are under the sink." He climbed into bed and admitted that he did need rest. He was almost unconscious the moment his head touched the pillow. He heard her close the bathroom door. A moment later, the water started flowing. He considered joining her as he drifted toward oblivion. Next time.

Aggie's scream woke him. "Get out of here, you fucking pervert!"

The bathroom door closed. "I told you she'd go Brazilian, Eric. You owe me twenty bucks."


"How do I know you're not just saying that?" Eric said.

"Have a look." The bathroom door opened again. There was a loud thud. "Hey, baby, don't throw stuff. We're just settling a bet."

Jace leaped from the bed and stalked down the hall. He grabbed Jon by the arm and spun him around. Jace's left-handed uppercut to Jon's chin sent him flying. Jon landed on his back at Eric's feet. Eric stared at Jace in astonishment.

"Do you want a piece?" Jace asked Eric.

"We were just having a little fun. Chillax, little man."

"If you disrespect my woman like that again, I'll kick your fuckin' ass. You won't get back up."

Jon rose up on one elbow, rubbing his jaw. "Jesus Christ, that hurt, dude."

Aggie opened the bathroom door, a towel wrapped around her curvy body. "Jace, you should have let me punch him. You'll tear out your stitches."

He shrugged. It would have been worth it.

She turned to Eric. "Your perverted friend owes you twenty bucks, Eric. I'll have you know, I do not go Brazilian. I shave it in the shape of a butterfly."

Jace chuckled, glad she had a sense of humor about the situation. She wouldn't last long on a bus with six guys if she didn't. "A butterfly?" Jace said. "I don't recall that. You'd better show me."

Jace coaxed her toward the bedroom. The faster he got away from Jon, the better.

"Why do you call him little man, Eric? The guy is hung like a whale," Jon said as he picked himself up off the floor.

"It's an optical illusion. It just looks big. Even at three inches, it's half his height."

"I guess that explains what she sees in him. Shape of a butterfly, my ass."

Jace closed the bedroom door, shaking his head in disgust. Aggie's towel snapped against his ass. His entire body tensed in response, and his cock stirred with excitement. He turned to look at her. She traced a butterfly shape on her clean-shaven mound.

"You don't see the butterfly?" she asked.

"No, I don't."

She climbed onto the bed, rolled onto her back, and spread her legs wide. She traced the shape again. "See it now?"

Oh, he saw it all right. Not a butterfly. Everything she had to offer between her thighs. He grew light-headed as his cock thickened.

"Maybe if I come closer," he murmured.

"I think you should."

He settled on his stomach, resting on his elbows between her legs. His injured shoulder protested the weight he put on it, so he shifted to his left side. "I still don't see it. Are you sure it's there?"

"Maybe if you touch it, you'll feel it."

He stroked the smooth skin of her outer lips and mound until she shuddered. Her scent intensified as she grew excited. Wet. Her inner folds swelled. Reddened. Invited him in. He resisted though, touching only her clean-shaven areas.

"Do you feel it yet?" she asked breathlessly.

"I feel plenty," he said, "but no butterfly."

"Maybe your mouth can find it."

He grinned. "I think I'm being manipulated here."

He licked her smooth flesh. Suckled it. Inhaled her intoxicating scent but purposely avoided tasting her fluids. He could feel her heat against his face—see how swollen and wet she was. His cock protested its neglect.

"Maybe I was wrong," she said. "Maybe Jon won that bet after all."

"Don't say his name in our bed."

He slid up her body and thrust into her delightfully warm pussy. Ah God, why did she feel so good? Her silky flesh gripped him, stimulating every pleasure sensor in his cock with each forward thrust and withdraw. It had never felt this good before. He couldn't get enough. Couldn't think of anything but the feel of her around him. He possessed her faster, unable to believe the pleasure could intensify, but it did. It built so quickly, he couldn't contain it. He was scarcely aware of her body convulsing with release beneath him. Her pussy tightened as she came, pulling at him, encouraging him to join her in ecstasy.

"Jace, Jace, pull out," she said frantically.

Pull out? What?

He couldn't. It felt so good to be buried in her silky depths. Why did it feel so good?

No condom.


His body stiffened as he forced himself to withdraw completely. He slid his cock up her slit, rubbing his length against her clit. He shuddered violently as his seed spurted over her lower belly, the muscles at the base of his cock contracting involuntarily.

"Aggie," he groaned, wishing he was spurting inside her, wanting her to accept his offering into her body, needing her tight warmth around him as he let go of everything.

Spent, Jace collapsed on top of her, feeling drained—sexually, emotionally, physically. He wanted to give her more, but didn't have anything left to offer.

Aggie kissed his forehead, drawing his body closer in an embrace. "Maybe it's time for me to get on the pill so you can come inside me," she murmured. "Would you like that?"

"Yeah." Something warm dripped down his arm from beneath his bandage. He didn't have time to decipher what it was before he passed out.


Jace didn't move, much less wake, as Aggie replaced his blood-soaked bandage. She couldn't encourage him to get worked up like that again. Not until his wounds healed. The bleeding had stopped for now, but the hole in his flesh looked jagged and uneven. She supposed gunshot wounds always looked like that. He'd have a horrible scar because of her. Could have died if the paramedics hadn't been so close.

Aggie kissed Jace's back and covered him with a blanket.

Someone knocked on the door. Jace stirred but didn't wake. "Just a minute," Aggie called. She was still naked. She used her discarded towel to wipe traces of Jace's cum from her belly and reached for her sack of new clothes. As soon as she was covered, she opened the door to find the lead guitarist waiting calmly in the corridor. Brian. The gorgeous one (or was he the sensitive one?) was also the married one, she reminded herself, but my lord, he had a face that belonged on a rocker version of GQ and a raw sensuality that could not be ignored.

"We're heading out in a couple minutes. Did you get all your stuff on the bus?"

Since her suitcase hadn't been recovered, she didn't really have stuff. Just the things she bought at the discount store earlier. "Yeah."

"How's Jace?"

"He's sleeping."

Brian grinned, his intense brown eyes softening. "You wore him out already?"

She flushed under his attention. Why was she flushing? Brian was married. And she liked Jace a lot—loved him even. She just wasn't used to being around men who weren't customers. That had to be it. "He's wounded. Doesn't take much to wear him out."

"Well, make yourself at home, Aggie. If you need anything, let me know."

"Thanks." What a totally nice guy. No wonder he was married.

The sexy one (or was he the ornery one?), Trey, nudged Brian aside with his huge duffel bag. He tossed it into the back bedroom with a loud thud. "Shhh," Brian said. "Jace is sleeping."

Trey rolled his eyes. "You are such a drag since you traded your balls for a wedding band. Thank God, Myrna's not here. You might act like something other than a pussy for a change."

Brian grabbed Trey in a headlock and rubbed his knuckles over his scalp vigorously. Trey pretended to protest, but Aggie saw the pleased look on his face that he hid from Brian. Trey placed his palm flat on Brian's belly and halfheartedly tried to escape his torment. Aggie decided that these two had a thing. Well, Trey definitely had a thing. She wasn't sure about Brian.

When Brian released Trey, Trey said, "It's such a relief to not have any stuffy chicks on tour with us this time."

Aggie cleared her throat.

Trey looked at her. "Fuck, you're a stuffy chick? I took you as the kick-ass party girl type. You know. Fun."

"Myrna's fun," Brian protested.

Trey's eyebrows lifted. "Yeah. Whatever you say, dude."

The hunky one (or was he the cocky one?), Sed, entered the bus and carried several brown paper bags to the kitchenette. He set the bags on the counter and started stocking the refrigerator with beer.

"See, Brian, we get our beer back when your stuffy wife isn't around," Trey said.

"Myrna is not stuffy," he insisted.

"Uh, yeah, she is," Sed said. "But we love her anyway."

"I miss her," Brian said miserably.

"Which means you need beer," Trey said, grabbing a bottle out of Sed's grip, twisting the top off, and pressing it into Brian's hand. "Get nice and drunk so I can molest you in your sleep."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny," Brian said, tossing back his beer and swallowing half in several gulps.

Aggie got the feeling that Trey wasn't joking. Watching those two go at each other would be sexy as hell.

Eric entered the bus with the pervert-jerk, Jon, on his heels. "Everybody ready?" Eric asked.

"Let's get this show on the road!" Jon said.

"Who's driving?" Sed asked, crumpling a brown paper sack and tossing it on the floor.

The most ordinary guy on the planet leaned around Jon. While every male on the tour wore leather pants or jeans and a black T-shirt, this guy was dressed in khakis and a green polo shirt. His light brown hair was neatly trimmed and swept off his forehead with a light application of gel. One word described him perfectly: normal . "That would be me." His blue-eyed gaze fell on Aggie. "I'm Dave," he said with a wave. "Live audio engineer and designated driver."

She placed a hand on her chest. "Aggie."

"Jace's girl," Eric clarified.

"Nice to meet you," Dave said. "All right, we're heading out. Did everyone go potty?"

"Brian didn't go," Trey said in a singsong whine.

"You're such a tattletale." Brian belched and tossed his empty brown bottle in the sink. He grabbed Trey in another headlock, but this time he backed Trey through the open bathroom door. Trey stumbled over the rim of the stall and into the shower. "Say you're sorry, or you get soaked."

"If you'd go potty when Dave tells you to—"

Brian turned on the water.

"Ah, cold!"

Trey grabbed Brian's shirt and hauled him into the shower. They wrestled and hit each other beneath the flow of water as Brian tried to escape, and Trey tried to get his hands on as much of Brian's wet skin as possible. If they started making out, Aggie swore she'd rip off her clothes and join them. Jace would just have to get over it.

Sed nudged Aggie in the ribs with his elbow. "Those two should just fuck each other and get it out of their system, don't you think?"

"Oh yeah. Can I watch?" Aggie murmured.

Sed laughed. "Just what they need. A witness."

Brian tumbled out of the shower, landing on his face between the toilet and the sink. A puddle of water spread beneath him, flooding the white linoleum floor. He scrambled toward the door, laughing so hard, he was gasping. Trey grabbed his ankle with both hands, pulling him back into the bathroom.

"If you two want to shower together, you should get undressed first," Sed said. "Myrna will kick your ass for making a mess." Sed glanced at Aggie. "Or maybe Aggie will."

Aggie shook her head, grinning. She was enjoying the show immensely. The two sexy-as-hell guitarists could flood the bathroom all they wanted.

The bus eased forward, and Trey slipped on the wet floor, hitting the back of his head on the wall. "Ow, fuck!"

"It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt," Aggie said.

"And then it's hilarious," Eric said. He peeked into the bathroom and shook his head at his two drenched bandmates. "We don't need more injuries in this band." He pulled a bright green rabbit's foot out of a pocket and rubbed it between his thumbs. "No more injuries."

Brian's demeanor changed the instant he saw Trey holding the back of his head and wincing. Brian reached up and shut off the water. Kneeling before him, he took Trey's arms in both hands. "Did you hit your head? Are you okay?"

"I think I might have another concussion. Are my pupils the same size?"

Brian leaned closer, looking into Trey's eyes. "I can't tell."


Brian moved in. Trey grabbed him around the neck and kissed him on the mouth.

Brian punched him in the ribs. Hard. "You ass! What in the hell did you do that for?"

"Totally worth it," Trey murmured, lying in the bottom of the shower rubbing his ribs with a blissful grin on his face. Brian climbed to his feet and shoved everyone out of his way on his way to the bedroom.

"Trey's getting desperate," Eric said.

"He's wound up tighter than your snare, Eric," Jon said. "That boy needs some pussy. Why don't you help him out, Aggie?"

Aggie did not like this guy. It had nothing to do with how Jace felt about him either. Jon Mallory was slimy. She knew an eel when she saw one. "Why don't you? I think he likes guys anyway."

Eric shook his head. "Trey likes both."

Both? Now that had possibilities.