Two horses running very fast and riding a small beautiful carriage attached to their backs. There were two men on the horses controlling them and going to the palace of the kingdom that they were.

The carriage was decorated and very beautiful, on the umbrella in the carriage widely and using it to cover the carriage because of the sun and in case if there was a rain. There was a middle age man inside the carriage, wearing a very beautiful muticolour dragon rope and with a dragon crown on his head.

The golden colour of the crown was shinning and very attractive. The man was a king of a kingdoms in China, he was among the rich and the popular king in China. He came to that kingdom to have a meeting with the other six kings that were ruling the Kingdoms in China and all of them were cousins.

They were seven in numbers and they had been the most powerful kings in China, the name of their family was JAE-HWA. They were powerful according to their ranks as their fore fathers had laid it down. Age didn't matter in their ranking.

"You are running very fast, be careful" the king said loudly from the carriage so that the men could hear. He noticed that the speed as reduced so he sat down properly and continued looking.

The man was the second King and the second powerful king, after the King of the kingdom that he was. The man was rude and didn't have good heart. He and the King had never been in good times, he always competing with him and wanted to take over the number one (1) among the others.


Sound of the King's chambers door opened, the young prince that went for hunting with the armies entered the small living room there. They just arrived back from hunting like one hour ago, so he went to his room to bath and changed his cloth.

He was wearing a beautiful and attractive young noble dragon rope, he sat down on the small chair beside his mother and rest his back. His father was the first King among his other cousins and the name of his own kingdom was Dragon Kingdom.

His kingdom was where meetings, games, competitions and other activities use to take place as the head of all them. Also he had the right to control and order others. The second King also had power on others except from the first King.

When the third King had power on others but except from the first and the second. But, because all of them were cousins they were able to control each other as family and setup some rules among them accordingly to their ages and except only from ranks.

"How are you my son? And where have you been since morning because your father asked of you" The Queen said and making beeds.

"I went for hunting with the armies, we just arrived like one hour ago" he said with low voice. Sound of the door opened for a maid wearing a blue wrapper got there and with wine in her hands.

"Greetings my Queen" she said and put the wine at the front of the Prince as he requested for.

"Take care my Prince and my Queen" She said with low voice and leaving the place.

"You suppose to tell your father before you went out"

"Just joined the armies for hunting, is there anything he wants to see me for?" Pouring the wine inside the cup and asked with loud voice.

"I don't know" Queen said with low voice. The King was very a restricted person and always want to know the whereabout of his children.

"I even what to tell him something. Where is he?"

"He is in the meeting room, having a meeting with his cousins but I don't think they have started"

"Maybe I will see him later because I can't go now. As we were hunting in the jungle, we mistakenly shot a human being thought that she was an animal. We later confirmed it very well and see that she is a lady, saw the house that she is living and her clothes but we were unable to see her or even talk to her. So I want to request from father maybe I can bring her to the palace-----" the Queen stopped him.

"What are you saying? You want to bring a stranger into the palace. You mistakenly shot her so what! So why is that related to you bringing her into the palace, a stranger" she said with loud voice.

"She is a lady and I think that place will be very dangerous for her to be living. What if she dead as we shot her? I need to bring her to the kingdom so that she can receives a good treatment"

"That is not where she has been living, Let her continue living there what is your own" The Prince looked at his mother.

"Why don't you want me to bring her to the palace? Have you known the lady before?" Asked with low voice because he was so surprised with the way the Queen was talking.

"I don't know anybody but it's risky to just bring a stranger that you don't know from Adam to the palace, palace is not a place any stranger can just come in. What if she has a plan"

"I just want to help that lady, and if I tell father and he give me order I will bring her to the palace"

"You can never bring a stranger to the palace! Are you okay at all" She shouted at him.

"What is all this mom? How can you said that a human being should be living in that jungle, it's time for her to come here and that is why we met her"

"The world is full with evil, you can't bring someone that you don't know into the palace. What if she has a mission and that is why she came out to you. I am ordering you that you shouldn't try to bring any stranger into this palace" The Queen's heart just didn't accept it and it was because of her handiwork.

"I will tell father about it after the meeting and it's his order I will accept" The Prince stood up and leaving the room with anger showed all over him. The Queen was looking at him still the door closed.

"Want to bring a lady to the palace! What if she has a mission because can a human being be living in that jungle with all those wide animals that are there and they won't have kill her" She said loudly to herself and continued making the beeds.

All the six Kings had been in the meeting home sitting on their iron chairs including the first King, sitting on a separate chair and looking at all of them with anger showing on his face.

It was the second King that they had been waiting for since morning but he had not arrived. He was the most proud and stupid one among them, and he was doing that because he too have power than others except from the first King and still he didn't respect him.

"What nonsense is this? What is all these rubbish? I have told you to let us start the meeting since but said that we should wait for that one and have you see him now!" The first king said loudly.

"Please calm down first brother, brother will be here soon" the six cousin said and who was the young and junior brother among them.

"If it's not that he is stupid, he knows that we have kingship meeting and he has not be here. Where it's his kingdom to this place, that mean he decided to come late" Third cousin said.

"Please let's calm down and if we don't see him after few minutes let's start the meeting" fourth cousin was talking when the door opened and the man entered with his cloth rolling with him.

He looked at all of them as he was walking to his seat and didn't greet none of them. He sat down on the chair, all of them were looking at him and didn't say anything.

"You with this your stupid arrogance! You came late to the kingship meeting and you don't even utter a word to justify your lateness or even apologise" The first cousin said with loud voice.

"I am busy and also have many things to do, so it was time I done with them that I am coming. Don't think I have much to say than this"

"You are busy! Who is not busy among us? If you have respect for this meeting you will be here on time and even apologise before anything" He looked at the First King and didn't say a word.

"Can we start with the meeting or nothing to say" he said with loud voice.

"That is not how to talk, let's forget that we are kings. We are also cousins so we deserve respect among each others, that is how you always use to do just full of yourself!" Third cousin said with anger.

"Watch your mouth brother! Except from the king's rank, I am senior than you with age so respect me"

"Do you respect our first brother that you want respect from me. Even is a year something?" others were just looking at them and didn't say a word.

"It's okay! Fine, let start the meeting because I don't have time for all this" First king said. The second King poured wine loudly and interrupted the King, all of them looked at him and didn't say anything.

"Let's ignore that" Said with low voice and continued.

"The project that we executed for our kingdoms, it result had came out and it fetched us very huge amount of money. I am so happy that we did it for our kingdoms and it succeed, Congratulations brothers!" The first King said with happiness.

"Thank you first cousin! I am so happy for this" Seventh King said and others too were so happy and congratulating each others except from the second King that was just pouring wine and drinking.

"So now the share formula is 30 and equally. Mean that 30% for me and you are equal based on how will contribute the money---" he stopped talking and looking at the Second cousin.

"What stupid sharing formula is that Joo-Chan? How can you said it's equal for both of us, we have to share it according to ranks not with this stupid one"

"You are stupid for calling me by name!" Two of them were sun and moon that didn't like to be meeting each other except if there would be a serious problem.

"Please stop that! How can you shared the same formula with me and them, it suppose to be the same for me and you" said with anger

"Why will you take that? We contribute the same amount except from the first brother, so why will you or your kingdom take more than us" The third King stood up to him and he was the only one that always used to confront him.

"I am warning you this small brother! If not I will show you who I am. Contribute same amount with you mean we should share the same thing, what if i don't contribute at all, I have to as the second King. If he is not smart enough as leader, I am" said with loud voice and referring to the First chief.

"It will better for you to just calm down and keep shut! He is the First King also head of JAE-HWA's family and anything he said is final"

"Let's take this easy please, people don't suppose to be hearing our voices outside" fifth cousin said.

"What he said can be final to you but not for me! That sharing ratio must change right now" The first King was just looking at him.

"Nothing it's not going to-- to--- change---" the third King's words started breaking and feeling uncomfortable. He always used to fall sick sometimes and that was why he didn't always use to be active.

"Are you okay third cousin?" The seventh King asked and left where he was sitting.

"I am-- feeling dizzy---" Saying one after the other and his eye had been blunting that he had been unable to see anything again.

Others that were sitting down quickly stood up and rally round him. He fell on the sixth King's hand and two of them fell on the floor. He had weight than the sixth King so he was unable to hold him.

"Guard! Guard!!!" The First King shouted and sound of the door opened and two guards ran inside.

"Carry him quickly please and send a maid to go and the doctor, quick attention please" He said nervously and looking at his brother.

"As you said King!" They quickly carried the King and going out. Others too followed them except from the second King that was just sitting down on the chair and busy drinking his wine.

"What a useless day!' He said with low voice. He didn't even care about his cousin at all.

Sound of the door opened after some minutes and the sixth King whom was the junior one among them entered and walking closed to the second King.

"Why are you so callous like this second brother? Your brother collapsed and you don't even care just for once, just sit down back and drinking!" He said with strong emotion.

"Be careful baby King! Learn how to talk to me" He said with loud voice.

"You supposed to even care, I will talk to you as my senior brother and forget about the rank"

"When he knows he is not fine, why is he nagging and screaming. Please baby King leave this place before I do3 something crazy" pouring another wine.

"Get out! I said leave this place now!!" He said with command. The Sixth king looked at him and leaving the living room.

"Nonsense!" He said loudly and drank the wine once, put the cup down and looking.