Enjoy your day guys.

Princess, Queen of Won-Shik removed blanket from her face, put her legs down and stretched her body. She gave herself some minutes before she stood up. As she stood up, she felt dizzy and wanted to lose her stability. She closed her eyes, used her right hand to rub her face.

She opened her eyes, rested for ten minutes on standing. It was as she wanted to wake up, that she had been unstable.

Princess left the bed side after ten minutes, going to the window. She loved to be opening the window in the morning, stood there for few minutes and watching the birds flying in the sky. She drew the curtains to the left and right side, opened the window up and staring at the sky.

"It's another morning on this earth" she said in cool tone. That was what she always said. She placed her hands on the window and busy looking outside.