Enjoy your day guy.

 Young-Jae had left the palace since morning, just returning back at night. For a week now that was how he had been doing. He would leave early in the morning, and returned back at night that must people wouldn't know that he had back. Also nobody knew where he was going to.

He was wearing an ordinary Dragon wrapper, with a hat on his head. He was dressing like an ordinary commoner. He was just walking gently and looking calmly as he was.

As he got to the royal chamber, he met Young-Sun and Young-II outside today. They were at the lobby, sitting on a mat. Young-Sun was resting his head on a pillow, and busy reading the 'law book'. What he was concerned about was to know his right and how to fight for it from his father.

Young-II was just with him as usual. He was just like a dog that used to be with his owner all day. He stood up as he saw Young-Jae coming. He walked to the edge of the lobby.