Enjoy your day guys.

 The Armies had been preparing for the hurting that they used to go together with Prince. It was the hurting they went to on that day when they met Thaniya. The hurting was just an activity for the Prince or Princes to entertain themselves. This time Ha-Neul too was going with them.

Ha-Neul and Prince were at their chamber dressing for the hurting. Their horses had gotten ready for them. The armies that had done were at the compound waiting for others.

Hyun-Ok was coming from his room, going to the first Queen's room. He was wearing an expensive Dragon wrapper, put on a hat and walking smartly.

He was walking straight in as the door of the Queen's room opened for him. First Queen got up as he saw him coming, and with smiles on her face. She always used to be happy anytime she sees him, even she wasn't use to be happy like that if it was the King.