Enjoy your day guys.

At Chin-Sun's palace, the head of his Armies was at a corner in the prison. He was sitting on the staircases there, rested his back at the wall and with his sword beside him. The Prison had like three entrances because it was big. It was one of it that he was.

It was because of Mal-Chin that was in the prison that was why he was there. He was appointed there by Chin-Sun incase if anything wanted to happen. It was that same place that he used to be, and silent there. Even most people didn't use to know that he was there.

Chin-Sun's personal assistant got to the prison, walking along the walkway and going to the cell that Mal-Chin was. The Head of the Armies stood up on his foot as he saw him, standing on the same spot and watching him going.

"Why is he always coming here?" The Army said silently. The man always seeing him coming and he had been suspicious about him.