Enjoy your day guys.

Before Xuier could arrive, first King had told the maids to cook and arranged for family dinner. He wanted to use that movement to introduce Xuier as Hyun-Ok's wife. First King sent the maids to go and call everyone and told them that there was family dinner.

Thaniya was in her room while a maid went to call her. She stopped what she was doing, and going there. Thaniya and the first Queen got to the hall at the same time. Thaniya didn't greet her; she just passed beside her and wanted to enter.

"I know you lack of respect. But if you are rude to everyone, don't ever be rude to me" first Queen said loudly, and called her back.

"I am the Queen, and I deserve respect from everyone. How dare you passed beside me like an ordinary person" Thaniya looked at her, and she giggled.