Enjoy your day guys

Young-Sun had continued with the kind of life he was living at second King's palace. He was inside the house, lying on the mat. He rested his head on a pillow, off the buttons on the t-shit he was putting on. There were like five girls with him. Two were pouring wine for him and feeding him. When the other three were rubbing his body and massaging him.

He took them come from the Kingdom he went to with his head of the armies. He gave them a house to be living. That was how he used to do from morning still night. He was enjoying himself with the girls.

He had ordered his armies to start preparing for war. Information had reached him that his father was taking war to the first Kingdom, so it was the same day he too wanted to send war to his father.

He knew that the armies would be few in the Kingdom, so he wanted to use that opportunity.