Enjoy your day guys.

Second King's head of the armies and the armies that went to First Kingdom to fight had returned back to the Kingdom and they had joined them at the war.

Head of the armies was going to the second King's chamber. He was walking smartly and holding sword tightly. The guards at the second King's chamber bowed for him, turned to each other and opening the door. He passed between them and walking in.

"Greetings your highness" he said in cool tone. He bowed for second King and knelt down on the floor.

"The armies had back to the Kingdom and they have joined them at the war" he gave report to the second King.

"Provide them with weapons and other things that they could need. Also make sure you protect my people. The war must not get to the main Kingdom" Second King said.

"As you said, your highness. I will make sure I do that and protect the people of the Kingdom" Head of the armies replied.