Enjoy your day guy.

"What's going on here?" Bon-Hwa repeated himself, and looked at two of them in the eyes. He looked down on the floor; saw the dress together with the box burning.

"I will suppress the anger in me. But, I want you to know that—"Dong-Yul walked more closely to Ae-Cha. "YOU'RE MINE!" He said silent to Ae-Cha.

"Let's go!" He said to his guard. He looked at Bon-Hwa with deadly look. He passed beside him, and leaving the place.

It was from the day he and Bon-Hwa had a fight that Dong-Yul had been avoiding Bon-Hwa. He couldn't dare to have a fight with Bon-Hwa again.

"Are you alright? What's the problem?" Bon-Hwa took his eyes away from Dong-Yul. He looked at Ae-Cha. It was when he looked at her properly that he noticed that the dress had tore.

"What happened to the dress? What tore it like this?" He asked in cool tone.