Enjoy your day guys.

Ji-Wan took Thaniya round the guest's residence. They went to all the apartments there, checked everywhere, played at the playing grounds there and poked different fruits. The guest's residence was so big and wide. As big as it was, Thaniya and Ji-Wan wandered it round.

They were coming from the backyard and going to the front where the entrance gate was. Thaniya was gripping different fruits tightly on her chest with her left hand and busy eating one on her right hand.

A smiling face was on her face and she was really happy to be at Heaven and Earth. Ji-Wan in the other hand too kept talking and busy telling Thaniya the name of the fruits, foods and some other things in Heaven and Earth.

"Everything in Heaven and Earth is totally different from the one on Earth. The foods and the fruits are so sweet. Oh my God, I love them!" Thaniya muttered. She didn't wait to finish chewing the one in her mouth before putting another one.