Chapter 94: The Duke's solution 

Chapter 94: The Duke's solution 

Duke went for the gun inside the cubicle in her room. She was ready to remove the safety pin and point it at the door when her girlfriend looked at her.

"I am beginning to think that your answer to everything is a gun, babe. Put it down. It's just a doorbell"

Duke reluctantly lowered the gun but she kept it ready.


"Just do it, Winnie. It's only 9 p.m and no, I am sure they are not home invaders or insurgents or bad guys. I know you are hoping to use your little friend here but not today" Sasha told her with a smile.

Sasha stood up from the bed.

"You know I am beginning to think you moved into this deadly neighborhood because you are actually hoping for a good fight with the local gang, Win" 

Duke placed the gun back inside the cubicle. She could always use her fist.

"You can't prove it" she told her girlfriend before standing up to answer th door.