Chapter 116: From Stacy with love.

Chapter 116: From Stacy with love.

Duke stared lazily at the mirror. The expression on her face was priceless, at least it was to her girlfriend, Sasha.

She exhaled and tried to be receptive, maybe if she stared long enough at her reflection, she would look less like someone's priced tortoise in the pink satin skirt and equally pink color shirt she was wearing.

"You have to put it on" Sasha told her and placed the pink boots so close to her face that she had to take a step back.

"I would rather eat a grenade than wear those, Sash. No, I would return to Iraq than wear those death traps"

Sasha exhaled. This was fun. Watching the bravest woman she knew squirm like a little worm was very entertaining.

"Babe, you need this job" Sasha told her.

It was a tactic to get Duke to ask for her job back from Asher.