Chapter 139: A heart full of miracle

Unedited Chapter 139: A heart full of miracle

Pepper was ushered out of the therapist office and the door slammed before she could walk back inside.

She blinked and her eyebrows crouched together in both surprise and a little bit of anger.

"What…what the heck is wrong with that…witch?!" She closed her eyes and try to calm herself down.

"What did you do?" A voice behind her asked, causing her to turn around to look at the owner of the voice.

"You must have done something for Doctor old shoes to push you out" 

"You look 9, what are you doing sitting in a creepy hallway alone?" Pepper asked the girl.

"I am fourteen, thank you very much and it's a waiting room, dummy" the girl told her, making Pepper turn around to fix her gaze on her fully.

The girl was holding a book and pencil.

Wait! Did she just call her a dummy?!

Pepper fumed. It was time like this that she wanted the country to legalize smacking rude children.