Chapter 141: The truth about Aubrey 

Chapter 141: The truth about Aubrey 

Pepper sat in the waiting area of doctor Belinda's office with Annie. It was becoming a routine for both of them to sit and gossip about every single person who was there to see Dr von Trapp. It was their favorite pastime. And occasionally, they would make plans on how to find a boy for Annie to kiss.

Their attention was diverted when a young boy entered into the waiting room holding a leather jacket with an older woman. 

Annie knew who he was. They entered the same school before she had brain cancer. His name was Jedidiah Jefferson and he was one of the cool kids.

"He's hot, go kiss him" Pepper urged her as she took in the details of the boy standing there with his mother.

"Not as hot as him" Annie whispered and pointed at the door of doctor Belinda's office where Asher was currently standing. Pepper turned to see that the teenager had called her husband hot and shrugged.