Chapter 177: Maeve's diner 

Chapter 177: Maeve's diner 

Starr walked into the bank clutching her purple backpack and she was greeted by the assistant branch manager. She wondered whether these money people stalked her family because any time any of her family members came here, the assistant manager was always there with a big smile on his face and a sweaty handshake.

"Ms. Knight, Welcome to Keyblue bank. Will any of the adult members of the family be joining us today?" 

"Hello, Mr. Kendall. No, it's just me today"

The assistant manager looked surprised. The young heiress had never been in the bank alone before.

Starr could see the hesitation on the assistant branch manager's part and so she did what she had seen her father do several times…she took control of the conversation and made it her own.

"Walk with me, Mr Kendall…believe it or not, life stops for no one" Starr started walking towards his office and Kendall had no other option but to join her.