Meeting each other

From MC's perspective:

Capital station,

A few hours later,

The level-5 rogue wizards are getting wiped out by the Weapon Palace wizard. Because of that people got more relaxed. Some of them even tried to exit the station successfully.

The fighting has stopped for some time. Passengers and residents start to leave the station.

On the other hand, the royal force wizards and the weapon palace wizards are keeping an eye on each other.

Then, everyone realized that the target had escaped. They left no place untouched in their search.

"So we have to return empty-handed," Andrew muttered to himself.

The Royal Force's leading wizard is getting frustrated as well. Right now, most of the platform looks empty.

Even the authorities working in the station left as well. There are no more staff working at the ticket counter.

Which caused the trains to get delayed. The whole capital station comes to a sudden stop.