Part 1: Shocking Reactions (The Perry Family)

Perry Family:

In the deepest part of the Perry Family, there were many life artifacts being protected. These life artifacts belong to the Perry Family members.

If any family member dies, they would immediately know it. Right at this moment, the life artifact which belongs to Charon Perry dimmed.

In the blink of an eye, the glass in the lifeline artifact shattered.


The next second, an old elder guardian of the lifeline artifacts opened his eyes. He was an old level-8 wizard nearing the end of his life, spending his last days here.

But the sudden alarm jolted him awake. With his feeble body, he went inside the protected chamber to check. His eyes scanned across the life artifacts in different shapes and sizes.

Finally, his gaze fell on the broken one, where the glass shards could be seen nearby. It was the life artifact of the next generation.