Chapter 7

Gu mansion.

"Second Young master."

Gu Xiaochen was sitting on the couch and working on the laptop. He heard the familiar voice and looked Up

After his family died and brother went missing, his grandfather fell sick and became hospitalised. So all the work in the Gu group was in Gu Xiaochen's hand.

His beautiful face looked tired now and just like Gu Weicheng he had light brown hair. But while Gu Weicheng's eye colour was Golden his colour was indigo. But those eyes showed the tiredness he accumulated.

He had a comparatively different physique just like any other omega, but now it looks particularly weak.

"Yes?" He answered Butler Bai zen, who was working as a butler after his father, old butler Bai, retired 2 years ago. Nobody knows where Old Bai went. He liked Acheng (Weicheng's pet name) so much more than his own son. So everybody says that he is gone searching for Weicheng.

"They are here." Butler Bai said. Just from his words one can realise how irritated he is because of the guest outside.

"Haa," Gu xiaochen caressed his hair back and sighed.

"I will be there." He saved the file in the laptop and shut it down.

He walked through the corridor. Their were only few servants in Gu mansion. They are the most trusted servants. After the accident, he found out that some of the people who worked for the household were spies sent by someone. Somewhere they were caught but didn't get any information from them. And some of them escaped. After that Elder Gu fired all the servant. Only few trusted people left.

Gu Xiaochen entered the room. There were a few people sitting on the couch drinking something. When they saw Gu Xiaochen enter they didn't even show an ounce of respect which should be given to their superior.

Everyone can obviously see that these people look down on xiaochen.

Butler Bai clenched his fist.

'How dare these people. When the master and madam were alive,these people didn't even have the slightest nerve to look at the face of the young master. Now they don't even show the slightest respect.

"So, why are you guys here." Xiaochen sat opposite to them and asked in a friendly voice.

"Didn't we just have an executive meeting a few days ago?" He asked.

One of the senior executive park responded

"Few days ago we also didn't expect that we would have to come see you this early." He smiled crookedly.

Others who sat by his side also smirked.

"So what is the important matter that the executives of Gu group need to come to my home for discussion." Xiaochen asked without changing his expression.

" should have already known about this. right?." Executive Kim said with a grin.


"What do you mean?" Gu Xiaochen showed a surprised look.

"We heard that engagement between you and Chairman He is about to get annulled." Executive Park said with a mocking face. "You should know, once your engagement gets cancelled, Gu group won't be able to withstand it." He said he is concerned.

"Who told you this?" Xiaochen said in amazement, like he is hearing this for the first time.

"Haha.... Do you think, what is the discussion in high society? It is the relationship between chairman He and Director Lee. Everyone knows that if he has to choose someone, who will be the Chairman He will choose. Though we can't say he is doing anything wrong. Anyone would choose a dominant omega over an ordinary omega who has nothing but a beautiful face." Executive Park said with a dirty smile. Everyone around him reflected his same face.

"Mr. Park, do you know who you are talking to. How dare you talk like that to the young master." Butler Bai couldn't take it and shouted at the executive. He really wanted to beat these guys to death,but was stopped by xiaochen.

Executive Park glared at him.

"You, a mere servant how dare you....." Executive Park was about to scold butler Bai, but was interrupted by xiaochen.

"Executive park... This is Gu mansion. Not your home. And your surname is Park not Gu. How dare you, a mere employee, talk to your superior like that. And who gave you the right to talk about my private life." Xiaochen said with a smile. But the face and his words didn't resonate. Which made everyone including the executive park flinch.

"You... I am your elder. I am senior employee of Gu group. I worked under elder Gu for many years. How can I don't have the right to talk about the things that affect the Gu group." He said proudly.

"That's it." Gu xiaochen's lips curved up more. He slightly opened his curved eyes. "However senior you are, you are just an employee of my Gu group. Whatever you say, an employee is still just an employee.'' His voice was loud and clear which made everyone present sweat and shiver.

Attitude of Gu Xiaochen made everyone look at each other dumbfoundedly. They thought they were just handling an omega. So it would be easy. But they would have never thought that this weak looking guy can make them feel oppressed. They were caught off guard by underestimating Xiaochen.

"Whatever you say. I should warn you as a senior. You should just give up on you share. And leave Gu group in our hand. If anything happen to Gu group we will also face impact . So you should hand over the authority of Gu group to those who really know how to manage this enterprise." Executive park said in a arrogant voice.

Gu xiaochen clutched his hands.

'so this is the reason why this old bas*rds come here. They want to make Gu group theirs. . Over my dead body." He gritted his teeth.

"You don't have to worry about anything Mr. Park. As long as I am alive nothing will happen to the Gu group . And about my engagement with Mr.He Dong, it is a private matter I will handle it on my own. You don't have to concern yourself with it." He said it with a blissful face..

Mr. Park gritted his teeth.

"Later don't regret your decision. We warned you. If anything happens to the Gu group, it will be your sole responsibility." He stood up from the seat. And looked at Xiaochen disdainfully.

"......." Gu xiaochen didn't even bid farewell to them. And sat silently on his seat with a smile.

The executive wiped their head and stomped out of the Gu mansion.

After they left,the smile on Gu xiao chen's face faded completely.

"Those bas**ds." Butler Bai was on fire.

He forget about the behaviour, a butler should have. And also it always been like that.He and Gu young masters can be called as childhood friends. So nobody mind his hot blooded behaviour. He always turn into a beast when it comes to his master's aka friends. So you can guss, he was also a villain in the original novel, who caused many unthinkable troubles and headaches for the protagonist's and ended miserable.

"You should have just fired them all." He said looking at Xiaochen.

"Haaa!" Gu Xiaochen sighed, looking at his friend.

"Do you think it is easy? If it was, I would have already done that." He said it to the airhead standing beside him.

"......"There was a silence in the room.

"Haaaa. I wish my brother was here.'' Xiaochen said. He looked at the beautifully designed ceiling.

"He always knows how to handle these kinds of people."

"......." The room was once again silent.

Butler Bai looked at his master. He know how much his young master is burdened. In the time of the accident he was 16 and lost his family. But he never cried after that day and smiled sincerely. He took over the Gu group in young age and maintained it for 5 years. But now the Gu group is facing a major crisis, the only way to solve this problem is getting help from The family. For that this engagement should be maintained

'Master never shows his emotions. Always hide and handle everything alone. You should just cry young master. And relieve a small part of your burden.' Bai Zen looked at his master painfully.

"Ahem." Butler Bai made a sound to attract his attention.

"We need to visit Elder Gu today."

"Oh right. He said he had something important to talk to me about. Tell the Driver that I am going to the hospital." He stood up from the seat.

"Yes young master" Butler Bai bowed and left.

Xiaochen looked at the peach blossom tree outside. His eyes began to get wet.

'Brother.... Where are you....'

He blinked his eyes to hide the water drop accumulated in his eyes. And left the Room with his usual smile.....


(A/N: Don't worry dear. Your brother is here. Those old geezers won't be able to smile for long.)


Hey guy..

This episode is slightly long.

I felt it is so plain 😅.

So I wrote and wrote to make it perfect. So it became long. Anyway I don't know if it helped much.

I will try to write it more perfectly in the future so continue to support me.

Your favourite (?)😝
