Chapter 13


Lee Fengge opened his eyes. After sleeping for some time, he felt lightened. Though he did feel weak. But it was bearable.

He looked around. The person who left him here didn't come back till now. He looked at the watch. It is already 9.30 pm. But nobody came. He once again looked at the watch.

"Sigh" 'what am I doing here.' He is doubting his own behaviour. He was an extremely conscious person. Especially when he is in front of strangers. He is a dominant omega. So he had extreme control over his pheromones. But small stimulations still can cause the leakage of pheromones.

Yesterday he was tired because he argued with his father. So in anger he let his guard down and got drugged. Then he presented himself in front of an unknown alpha. After that he doesn't remember anything clearly. But his body ached, so he thought something happened between them.

But after that guy got out he checked it in the bathroom. He is clearly still a virgin.

Remember it now his head twitched. Then what was the responsibility that guy was talking about? He doesn't have a clue.

'Thinking about it now. Who is that guy.I don't even know his name.' He looked around the room .

This is Clearly the top floor of this hotel. And this room is exclusive. Even his father was unable to enter this floor. But that guy uses it like his own home. 'He can't be taken lightly.'

And.... This room is filled with alpha pheromones. 'He must be a dominant alpha.' He tried to smell it. 'These pheromone smell is not so uncomfortable.' he thought.

Lee Fengge always felt uncomfortable when he smelled alpha pheromones. He felt like vomiting. Maybe it was because he is a dominant Omega. But for some reason he didn't dislike Gu Weicheng's pheromones. Or should he say he felt comfortable and at ease.

Lee Fengge can't understand. He usually don't like mingling with people. But Gu Weicheng was the opposite. He felt safer than when he is with his own family.

'family..' Thinking about his family he frowned.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrr" His stomach made a sound. He blushed.

Three times a day he got food on time. And there is porridge on the table. Someone delivered it. But he doesn't want to drink it.

He is not fond of porridge. But the doctor said he should only eat light food.

But he is a person who loves strong flavoured food. How can he eat porridge?

'Now i feel like, my condition is okay. So I can eat something good. Right?' He gulped. 'i should go out and eat something. Which can fill my stomach."

He got up from the bed. And dressed, it was also the dress brought by Mr.Wu. The size was perfect. For guarantee he took a suppressant in advance. He covered his face with a mask and put on a hat to hide his appearance. 'I don't know those guys are keeping an eye on this hotel because I went missing. Need to be careful.'

He opened the door. The apartment was not small. It is worth calling a VVIP floor. This place can be considered the most luxurious apartment.

He was on the top floor. Looking at it now there is one this room near this room. It may be that guy's study or office . He didn't have the hoby to barge in others private property. So he controls his curiosity.

He walked down the step. In the right corner were the steps end their was mini bar. This bar is filled with luxurious brands.

He glanced at it. And forward. He saw an empty kitchen with a dining room on the way. He reached the main hall where the entrance is.

Secretary Wu already gave him a lock card if necessary. He swiped the Golden card. The door opened. He got out. The corridor was empty. There are only two apartments on this floor. He used the golden card to open the elevator. After some time the elevator opened and he reached the first floor lobby

He left the hotel. He didn't mind that his body felt hot. Because now hunger is the only thing that he can think of.

He likes eating street food. Especially 'Ramen' sold on the roadside stall. Typical non-young master style.

In the night. He walked to the ramen stall. And filled his stomach.

After that he was walking back to the hotel . But suddenly his body became weak.

He had a bad feeling. He immediately wanted to return to the apartment. But the more steps he takes the more difficult it becomes. He began to pant.

'What the ? What's happening ? Why is my body feeling hot and weak? Don't tell me, I am in heat. But I just took a suppressant.' He paused.

'Is..... Is it because of that drug? But why? ' He was confused. He thought after taking the suppressor and sleeping for some time. The effects of the drug have already ended. But...

Lee Fengge clutched his beating heat.

"Hey. Do you need help." A sports car stopped in front of him. There were Two alpha guys sitting in it.

Just a look and Fengge realised that these guys are for no good.

He tried to suppress his feeling and control his pheromones. But this was harder than he thought. The drug is taking effect, but the suppressor he took earlier controls his pheromones. So only a small amount of pheromones are leaking. But that was enough for attracting this people.

"I don't need your help." He said in a tough voice. He was trying hard to control his emotions. But his face didn't show any weakness.

He wiped his face and walked across them.

But the spoiled young masters didn't think of backing down.

"Hey." One of the guys got out of the car and walked near Fengge. "I think you are in pain. We can help. " He said with a smile after releasing his pheromones.

Lee Fengge felt disgusted. He clenched his fist.

He didn't even look at that alpha and continued his walk. If it was before he would have suppressed them with his pheromones. But now he can't do that. If he forcefully does it. It will backlash.

Omega ignored them. It hurt the alpha's pride. The alpha walked towards him and grabbed Fengge's hand. Fengge became extremely angry and slapped his hand. He released his pheromones.

His dominant pheromones suppressed that alpha and that alpha fell on the ground.

But the sudden release caused Lee Fengge to become more weak. He was losing his consciousness. He tried hard to maintain his willpower until reaching the hotel. But his legs lost their power and he began to fall.


Before he fell. A strong arm hugged his waist. A familiar pheromone entered his nose. It made his mind as ease. He closed his eyes and grabbed that person's dress tightly.

"Whenever I see you, why are you always in trouble. Kitty."

Gu Weicheng caressed Lee Fengge's hair. And looked at that beautiful pale face. His face showed a soft smile.

"You who are you.'' The guy who was sitting in the car ran towards his friend who fell on the ground and glared at Gu Weicheng. That guy also felt uncomfortable because of the pheromones. But he was far away. So it didn't affect him much.

Gu Weicheng looked at that guy. His smile faded. A murderous look showed in face. That alpha boy Flinched. He felt tremendous pressure. He began to get cold sweat. He felt like this guy would kill him if he said anything.

Gu Weicheng looked at Lee Fengge in his hand and carried him to the car.

Sighing in relief, that guy took his friend and ran away with his car with a displeased look. As his pray was stolen.

In the car...

"Check who they are." Gu Weicheng said to secretary Wu.

"Yes sir." Wu replied and thought. ' Those guys are done for." And sighed.
