Chapter 17

Noel office (country M)

The 20 executives were waiting for their boss's video call in the conference room. Their new boss was an infamous businessman of country A, The chairman of noel group, one of the leading groups of the nation. 

This company's new branch opened in country M more than 5 months ago. They didn't know who their boss was. But they were personally selected for the company by their boss. But nobody ever saw him. They only realised who their real boss was a few days ago. They were surprised and also felt proud for working with a legendary person like Mr. Noel. 

Nobody knows his age, look or any personal information about him. The only information available on the market was that he is a business genius. Many tried to find who he really is,  but got disappointed in the end. 

Today they are having a discussion about the Noel group's introduction in Country M. 

Though, the GN group looks like an ordinary company in the eyes of other people. But it has a clear foot print in country M. Its roots are deep. Until now nobody was able to realise this truth. But after introducing the GN group as a branch of the Noel group, It's going to create an uproar in the whole nation. 

"Are you sure that Mr.Noel will have a video conference today?" One of the people sitting in the chair asked. 

"I also doubt it. Isn't it the famous mysterious man? How can he show his face to us so easily?" Another one said. 

"Well it's a video call. So we can't be sure if he will show his face to us." Another one said. 

"Oh no. If he didn't show his face. I would be disappointed." 

"Well who cares about you. I am sure he won't show his face." 

"Well that would be very bad. You guys must be so unlucky." Everyone looked towards the person who said that. Secretary Lu was standing there with a smirk. 

The only person who had the upper hand this time was secretary Lu. Who already had a face to face meeting with his boss. After he came back, secretary Lu boasted about how he was able to meet the legendary boss. But he also didn't give any details about how he looked. 

Though it was a terrifying experience for him. He was still happy to be able to see their boss. From secretary Wu he also realised the real identity of his boss. Gu Weicheng, the heir of Gu group who went missing 5 years ago.

But he won't tell this secret to anyone. Because of two reasons. 

One, he is a loyal person. Who wants to maintain a good relationship with his boss.

The second reason is that he doesn't want to die.


When everyone was in a deep discussion and betting about whether their boss will show his face or not. A sound came from secretary Lu's phone. 

He looked at it. The group which was in Chaos suddenly calmed down. Even the smallest sound can't be heard. 

Everyone looked at secretary Lu. 

 Secretary Lu nodded his head. Seeing this nobody even had the guts to breathe. 

The white screen reflected the image in the laptop. There was a person sitting on the chair who was wearing a black suit. Because of the black colour of his suit, the intensity of his skin colour increased. 

Even though he is hiding his body with the suit. The people who are present clearly realised underneath that suit, there is a refined, well built body. 

Everyone was in Awe. Though that face wasn't Clearly shown, half of the face made them understand that their boss is young and handsome. And an extremely dominant Alpha. Well his gender was the only thing that was disclosed by secretary Lu. That is he is an extremely dominant alpha. 

But seeing this in person made it more realistic. Everyone in the room looked at the screen in admiration. Some of them even have an increasing heart beat. There were people who felt this person was very familiar. But they didn't think about it because of the pressure.

Gu Weicheng, who was used to this type of attention, didn't even have the slightest care. He looked at secretary Wu who was standing behind him. 

And cursing his own boss for being so handsome that he was wholly neglected by the people. He was like an invisible person. Though secretary Wu, who was an alpha, was more handsome than ordinary alpha, can't compare with his boss, Who was in the highest level of the pyramid. 

(A/N: Thought he always cursed his boss for being so handsome. In reality he was so proud of his boss that his nose could touch the roof, like a proud daddy.)

Secretary Wu, who got the hint from his boss. Started to discuss the disclosing of GN group as the branch of Noel group. 

Though everyone was in an Awe in the beginning after the meeting started they all became serious. And discussed their future plans. Though they were pressured by their boss's mighty aura. They calmed themselves down and did their work perfectly. 

Gu Weicheng was satisfied. The people who he chose were some of Gu Weicheng's classmates, from his memory he was sure these people are intelligent, trustworthy and hardworking. 

He also selected people, who have ability but were suppressed because of their status or gender. So he gained many subordinates who trust their boss. 

The people discussed for more than 2 hours. They came up with the conclusion that they will announce the Noel group and GN group relationship and the new partnership project of Noel group with one of the enterprises in country M, after one month. Which was a date recommended by Gu Weicheng. It is two days after the He group banquet, where the real novel begins. 

The meeting concluded and everyone sighed in relief after the video call was cut off. 

This was a refreshing experience for all of the people present here. They can now understand how a person this young can make the Noel group into one of top groups in the world. Though the pressure he gives is high. His ability to manage is top notch.

Only working with him for 2 hours, they didn't want to stop the discussion. It was the most perfect conference they ever had. They won't get tired even if the conference lasts for a day.

It made them enthusiastic to work more.

(A/N: intelligent people ( ̄ ³ ̄#). Hmph)

When his subordinates  were thinking about him. Gu Weicheng was in deep thought. He had a clear idea about what was going to happen in the future only because of the novel he read. But he can't be sure everything will happen according to the novel because of his involvement. Just like a butterfly effect. Even the truth that he is alive changed the whole trajectory of the novel. 

So he can't be hasty. He needs to plan everything. For him, destroying the He group wasn't difficult. But to eliminate the hidden danger he needs to play with He group. He can't be reckless as before because now he has people who he needs to protect. 

Thinking about those two people,his lips slightly curved up. He won't allow those two people to get hurt just like the novel. Now he is here and nobody can touch his people. 

Gu Weicheng smirked. 



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