Chapter 28

Gu Mansion

Weicheng and Xiaochen were sitting on the couch in the study room. After attending the banquet, Weicheng returned to Gu Mansion. Many servants were dumbfounded. Some were happy and cried and some of them were confused. So Gu's still have a chance. And those who didn't want to leave Gu mansion were happy.

They know how the second young master tried hard to save Gu. They want to help. But what can they do? They are just servants who live their life just by the salary they gain daily. 

They did get a chance to live in this house and work in another household. But they don't want to leave this house which was like a temple to them. They were proud of being the servants of Gu's. So they didn't want to abandon this place when it is in bad condition.

But they somewhat know. It won't last long. In the end they have to leave. They were extremely distressed. But now the eldest master is back. There is still hope.

"Sorry brother"

Gu Xiaochen said hanging his head down . He didn't have the courage to look at his brother.

"No. It isn't your fault." Weicheng said, patting his Little brother's head.

"But. It's all because I am useless that you have to come out so early. If...If..I.."

Xiaochen was trying hard not to cry. Or show his bad side to his brother.

Weicheng, who never consoled anyone in his whole life, was very frustrated. He doesn't know what to do. Now he also felt very guilty. What happened today wasn't beyond his expectations. In other words he knew this was going. But he didn't give Xiaochen any prior notice because he wanted to see. If everything will happen just like what is written in the Book. Yep his intuition was right. Everything happened just as it was written in the book.

But maybe he overestimated his self control or he underestimated his feelings for Xiaochen. When he saw Xiaochen's helpless look. He was unable to hold himself back. He really didn't  want to see his little brother hang his head down in front of others when he was still there. Without even realising he already reached the banquet hall.

"No. It wasn't your fault. I didn't tell you before but in fact I think coming out now will be better." Weicheng said (lied) with a straight face..

Xiaochen didn't want to believe what Weicheng said. But seeing his brother's serious face he said,

"Really?" Xiaochen asked doubtfully.

"Yes. Well it's better doing everything early than later." Weicheng said.

But in reality He didn't really think of showing up this early. Now he needs to change his plans slightly.

After hearing what his brother said. Xiaochen sighed. He really didn't want to become a burden for his brother. But when they called him an orphan he was unable to control himself.

He was a child who was pampered by his family. Though his parents were always busy, they never forgot to show love for their children.

Even when his parents were absent his elder brother pampered him more. And filled the gap in his heart. He loved his brother very much.

Two of them were  more than 5 years apart in age. So for Weicheng his little brother was still a child. So he always protected his little brother. So Weicheng never faced any difficulty in his life. He had a brother who stood in front of him blocking every storm which would harm him.

So Xiaochen lived a careless life.

One day when his family was together his father told him.

"Little Xiao. When you are free you should visit our company and learn how to manage the company from your brother."

Xiaochen paused eating popcorn. And looked at his father in amazement. He hated going to the company. Now his father is telling him to go to that place and learn those complicated things. He didn't want to be involved in things like business.

"Why? Why do I have to learn. I have a capable elder brother so why do I have to learn business?" He  said,

"Even so you can't sit idle. You need to learn how to manage business." Mrs.Gu has always supported her husband.

Seeing his mother also said so, Xiaochen didn't have any choice.  He Ran towards his elder brother and hugged him.

"Do I really have to learn?" He asked pitifully, showing his puppy eyes. Gu Weicheng who was ruthless and cold in the outside world was helpless in front of his younger brothers' (fake) tears.

"Mom, Dad. Don't force ChenChen. I can handle the Gu group alone." Weicheng said looking at his parents. Xiaochen's eyes were glowing with twinkling stars.

"Haaaaa…" Mr Gu sighed. "You should stop pampering him this much." He said helplessly.

"If it's not me who can my brother pamper. I am his only cute little brother." Xiaochen said. Mr.Gu looked at Xiaochen. There was thunder between the father and son.

Seeing his father's angry face, Xiaochen hides behind his elder brother.

"Bleh." Xiaochen stretched his tongue after closing his eyes.

"Well your brother won't be always there to pamper you." Mr.Gu said arrogantly. "One day he will pamper someone else instead of you." There was a mocking smile in Mr.Gu's face.

Mr.Gu's words hit the sore spot of Xiaochen. He glared at Mr.Gu. He whipped his face and looked at his brother.

"Will you stop pampering me when you marry someone.?" Xiaochen asked as he was about to cry.

"No. ChenChen will always be my number one" Weicheng said without even thinking for a moment.

Xiaochen was happy. And gave his father a look and said 'did you hear'.

"Well who knows what will happen in the future. Once you get married you will change. Look at me and your mother." Mr.Gu said.

Mrs.Gu was helpless seeing her husband acting like a child. She sighed.

Xiaochen looked at his parents. Yeah his grandmother once told him how arrogant his father was. Then how he changed and became his wife's puppy after the marriage. Thinking so. Xiaochen looked doubtfully at his brother.

He puffed his cheeks, his eyes turned red And ran towards his room angrily.

"ChenChen."  Weicheng called. But Xiaochen didn't stop.

Mrs. Gu and Weicheng glared at Mr. Gu.

"What? What did I do?" Mr.Gu asked. But he was guilty for making his youngest son sad.

After that. It took two days for Xiaochen to calm Xiaochen. Mr.Gu was forced by Mrs. Gu slept outside until Xiaochen forgave him.

Even his trusted subordinate Butler Bai abandoned him. And his Eldest son threw knives towards him with his eyes.

Helpless Mr.Gu didn't have any choice other than begging forgiveness from his son. Xiaochen only calmed down after Mr.Gu bought him a new model Acura NSX car and Weicheng promised him that he wouldn't marry anyone without Xiaochen's permission.

And Mr.Gu never asked Xiaochen to go to the company.


Xiaochen regretted it. He should have learned how to manage the Company. He shouldn't have acted so spoiled. If...If he learned to manage the company. He wouldn't have felt so helpless. He would have been able to protect what his parents tried hard to build. And he would have been able to protect what belonged to his brother. After taking over the Gu group. He felt how stupid he was. Though he tried hard to protect but was unable to.

He cursed 'him' of the past. Who was so arrogant and took everything for granted. He lost everything. He was like a weak shell which can break anytime. The only thing that made him stronger was the hope that his brother will return. He has to protect everything for his brother. So he became cold and faced everything with a fake smile. He somewhat lived his 5 years of life like a smiling doll.

But now. He can't forgive  himself for any small mistake. He don't want his brother to leave again because he is stupid. Xiaochen is scared. He looked at Gu Weicheng sitting near him. His eyes turned red and tears began to flow.

"No… I..I don't want to be abandoned. I don't want my brother to leave me. I..I am not a orphan. I have my brother. Please don't leave me. I will do anything. Please... brother. Please don't go…" Even after everything Xiaochen still felt he was dreaming. Once the dream is over his brother will disappear. All the emotions he tried to suppress overflowed.

"I...I will be a good boy. I won't act spoiled. I will learn everything." Xiaochen cried loud.

Two strong arms hugged Xiaochen.

"ChenChen," Weicheng called. He knows Xiaochen isn't in his right mind now.

He moved by instinct.

"Shoooo. Don't cry ChenChen. Brother is right here. I won't leave. Shooo. Don't cry." Weicheng said. His heart was distressed. His body moved automatically. Why….? Why is his heart hurting so much?

He isn't Xiaochen's real brother. He is a soul who took over this body.

'But why.. Why is this feeling so familiar?

Why do I feel like my soul hurts more than my heart? Why..? Why does this body feel more like my own than the body I lived in previous life.Why?'

Suddenly some unclear image passed through his mind. But before he could think. Those images disappeared.

Weicheng felt confused.

'Something is missing. Something important. But what?' he thought.  Weicheng's hands tightened around Xiaochen. There was still a small sobbing sound coming from Xiaochen.


[AHN: Haaaa…. I cried 😭]