Chapter 35



Gu Xiaochen served food to his grandfather.

"So, What do you think of our new vice president?" Suddenly the elder Gu asked.

Xiaochen paused for a while.

"He is capable. Though his words are mean, I can feel he is a trustworthy person." He said.

"And moreover, he was chosen by my brother. I trust my brother more than anything." Xiaochen said solemnly.

After the supper , Xiaochen closed the tiffin. And was about to pack everything to leave

"Why..? Why don't you get angry or asking anything." Elder Gu said in a hurt expression.

"More than anyone. I know how much you suffered because of your parents and Cheng's death. And I knew how much you loved your brother. Still I hid the news about your brother from you. Why don't you get mad at me?." Elder Gu, who was a ruthless person and never bowed his head to anyone, wasn't able to look towards Gu Xiaochen.

In these five years , Xiaochen suffered  more than anyone else. He, who was  still a child and should have lived a life full of prosperity and happiness, faced the biggest disaster of his life. Losing his parents and his beloved brother. At the age of 16 he was dragged into a world full of schemes and lies. He was betrayed, the people who wore the mask of sympathy tried to gain profit from his demise, for the first time in his life, he saw the dirty truth of the world.

A wall, his brother who always protected him and never allowed him to face this dirty world was gone. Xiaochen realised how naive he was, how much his brother protected him.

After all these years of suffering, the pure hearted boy died miserable in the hands of others, he forgot to smile. He wore a mask just like others, no he was forced to wear that mask to face this world with a smile.

Xiaochen paused, hearing Elder Gu's words.

He hesitated for a moment and said.

"If you ask, am I angry or not? I am angry."

He looked towards Elder Gu.

"But, it's not because of my brother's condition. But because you asked me this question."

Elder Gu looked at Xiaochen in confusion.

"Grandpa… you know, in these five years I was desperate. Sometimes I even want to end my life, I thought, if I died I would be able to meet them."

Xiaochen walked towards elder Gu and sat near him. Hearing Xiaochen's words, elder Gu felt extreme pain.

"But you know what made me live. What made me fight for all these five years." He paused and smiled. "When we were young, my brother once promised me, wherever he is, if I face a problem he will definitely be there for  me. And will never abandon me"

"My faith in those words and the hope of his return made me strong."

"I desperately tried to maintain the Gu group for all these years, because when he came back, I didn't want him to lose what he owed. I wasn't able to protect my family, but I wanted to protect what they left.."

Xiaochen smiled thinking about it.

"Look, he never forgot his promise, he came back when I needed him the most. That's all I need."

"Maybe if I knew, he was in a coma. I would have lost all of my confidence seeing his motionless body. Maybe, I would have stayed as a fragile omega all my life. So I would never say that you did anything wrong grandpa. I know whatever you do. It would be for our sake."

"And why didn't he tell me anything after he woke up? I know, when it's the time he will say everything." Xiaochen smiled, his eyes were wet, Elder Gu looked at Xiaochen, his eyes were also wet.

"You, really grown up."

Xiaochen pouted.

"You old man, then you thought I would be a child forever."

Elder Gu chuckled.

"Hahaha. You will always be a little boy for me."

"No fair…" Xiaochen pouted more making him look cuter.

Elder Gu also smiled.

'Though I wanted you to be strong. But you become strong in the most cruellest way.' He thought and sighed. 

Outside the room two men didn't move. They clearly heard the conversation inside the room.

One of them was leaning on the wall, his eyes closed as if he was deeply thinking about something.

Another guy hesitated and called in a low voice.


Gu Weicheng slowly opened his eyes. After a moment he stood straight and was about to go.

"Don't you want to meet them?" Butler Bai asked.

"No.I will talk to them later " He took a step and paused.

"Don't say anything about my visit." Gu Weicheng's voice was extremely cold. Butler Bai Flinched.

"Yes master." He said, bowing his head.

"Mm." Weicheng walked out of the hospital.

His handsome face was expressionless and cold. But his heart was chaotic.

'How will you respond, when you realise that the brother, who you had this much faith in, had already died and I am just an imposter who is using your brother's body.' Weicheng paused his thoughts. 'Would you hate me, if you knew the truth.'

He felt a sting in his heart. 'Weicheng you are being too greedy for a family. And forget who you are and these affections, do not belong to you…" His face showed a mocking smile. He gritted his teeth and left the hospital.


Next day


Xiaochen was in his car.

He was looking at his phone. Yesterday his brother didn't return home. He was worried. Though he got the message that his brother needed to go to country C because of company matters. He was still restless. Because his brother always informed him before going anywhere, but this time he didn't and he was only able to talk to his secretary, it all made him feel uneasy….

(AHN : My poor Xiaochen)


'Crash.' the car suddenly stopped. Xiaochen was safe because of the seat belt. But his phone wasn't lucky and fell.

"What happened?" Xiaochen frowned.

"So..Sorry young master. I accidentally crashed into a car ...." Driver said with trembling.


"Go. And talk to them about compensation." He said massaging his temple.

"Yes young master." Driver opened the door and went outside.

Xiaochen looked at his wrist watch. He was already in a bad mood. So he also opened the door and came out.

'Why is it taking so much time.'

He walked towards the other car. And saw the car which can be said to be one of the rarest and latest model cars, which will cost a lot.

"What happened?" He asked the driver who was still chatting with a man. Because of the driver Xiaochen wasn't able to see the other person.

"Young Master.." The driver looked towards Xiaochen. Making Xiaochen see the  other people's faces clearly. Seeing the familiar face, Xiaochen's face darkened.



Who do you think that person is ?🤔

a) He Donghai

b) David Wilson

C) Lee Fengge

d) Someone else….

How many of you can guess the correct answer..? 😁


AHN Note

Sorry for the late update,

My poor soul thought I would be free after the end of exams. But who would have thought that now I am  much busier than before.😭😭😭.

I am unable to update as frequently as before. Sorry🤧.

Even so

Thank you for your support😭