Chapter 40


Few moments ago.

In a private room. Lee Fengge was sitting with a few executives of HM group,whom Lee group  partnered with. They were having a meeting about the future projects, which the Noel group was about to introduce.

With HM groups current situation, it is very difficult for them to get that project. But if they can cooperate with the Lee group, they may get a chance to make a relationship with the Noel Group. So not only HM group, many other groups are trying to partner with Lee group this time.

"Mr.Lee, what do you think about the idea we put forward." Senior executive of HM group asked.

"Well. It's not bad." Lee Fengge said. Face of the senior executive blossomed. He was about to say something but it was cut by Lee Fengge,

"But I don't think, with this type of plan, we will be able to have a partnership with Noel group."

Hearing this, those executives' faces turned gloomy. In fact, they didn't want to conduct this meeting with this omega boy. However, they don't have any other choice.

Don't know why, Chairman Lee gave this project right to this young omega. They were extremely dissatisfied.

Now when they hear Lee Fengge's word they become more dissatisfied. On the other hand, Fengge didn't give any face to these fox's. He clearly knows what intentions these people have. He smirked, 'Dream on'.

Even if these people want to poach his plans, he won't give them a chance.

"Mr.Lee, you should consider it carefully. If you work together with us, I am sure  we can partner with the Noel group without any trouble." Senior executive said.

Lee Fengge looked at these hypocrite people, he clearly knew these people were trying to force and they weren't even taking him seriously.

"Oh.. Are you saying our Lee group doesn't have the ability to get this project alone?" Fengge asked, looking at these people. His voice was extremely cold.

All the executives Flinched. Feeling the dangerous aura from the puny omega. One of the executives, who has a brain, said wiping his sweat.

"N…No. We didn't mean it like that. It's just that, if we work together, It will be easy for us to get this project."

Another arrogant executive said,

"As omega, you should consider your health too. You shouldn't be involved in these company matters. And I don't think you have the qualifications to work in this project..?" His voice was very loud.

Lee Fengge smiled which didn't reach his eyes.

"Well, our Lee group has the ability to get this project alone." Lee Fengge stood up.

"And, about me, a omega, taking over this project. A person like you, who even after being a alpha needed to sleep with others to reach this position, doesn't have the qualifications to question me." 

The executives were taken aback. They weren't able to refute it, because what Lee Fengge said was true. But they were surprised by the fact that, even though they covered up the news before it was published, how Lee Fengge knew about this.

The Executive's face turned pale.

"You…" Before he could say anything, Lee Fengge opened the door and went out without even looking back.

All the executives gritted their teeth.

"Hmph, without our help, i want to see, how this omega boy is going to get that project." One of them said, Though others didn't say anything, all of their faces showed that they agree with that guy.


Lee Fengge went outside. Before he went for this meeting, he knew what these people were looking for. Because he, a omega, took over the project. They thought they would be able to get this project from his hand.

Fengge smirked coldly. He ain't a pushover, who will dance with these people's words. And just from how they behaved, it's easy to understand, they don't even take him seriously. If it wasn't for this project, they wouldn't even think about working with him.

"Those idiots." Fengge gritted his teeth.

After taking two steps,he felt a throbbing in his head. Past few days, he didn't know why, he felt extremely tired. Sometimes he had a headache.

Usually, it's not that severe, he didn't take it seriously. But this time it was different. He felt an extreme pain.

Lee Fengge walked aimlessly. He pressed his head. Because of the pain, Lee Fengge didn't realise that he took the wrong route. He walked in an unknown corridor. For a moment, he felt difficulty in breathing. Suddenly, he smelled the familiar Sandalwood smell. Which was extremely seductive. Without him realising, his headache suddenly calmed down.

Even though the fragrance only lasted a moment, he clearly smelt it.  And he knew whom that sandalwood fragrance pheromones belong to. He walked towards a direction. It was just his intuitions. He felt this is the way, where that person is. 

His Adam's apple moved slightly, it's been a while since he last saw that person. Even though he hesitated for a moment, still he decided to walk forward.

After taking a few steps, Fengge paused.  he once again felt the familiar pheromones. This time it was stronger. Lee Fengge frowned. Because there were other pheromones mixed with it. Precisely an omega pheromone.

If it was ordinary alpha or omega they wouldn't have smelled it. Because he is a dominant omega, he has always been  extremely sensitive towards pheromones. So he could clearly smell a Rose pheromone mixed with the sandal wood.

Fengge's heart throbbed. Even though he didn't want to go forward and see something he wouldn't like, he still walked forward. He can only hope, what he is thinking is wrong. But the moment he saw the scene through the door gap, all his hopes shattered.

He saw a familiar figure. Even if he can't see the whole face, he is sure who that person is. And the familiar pheromones which can make him intoxicated, he could never mistake those.

Lee Fengge's eyes looked at the small figure standing in front of that person. Anyone with an eye could easily tell that this person is an omega.

Fengge's heart throbbed seeing the intimate behaviour of two people. When the alpha leaned towards the omega, from the angle Lee Fengge saw, it seemed like they were kissing.

And the seductive pheromones filled the room which also proved what he didn't want to happen is happening.

A drop of tear slid down his cheek and fell on the floor. He didn't want to see anymore, he couldn't. He walked backwards and staggered.

Because of the thick carpet covering the floor, his footsteps didn't make any sound.

He walked back, not precisely he ran. After reaching some unknown part of the bar, Lee Fengge paused. He leaned towards the wall. His heart was heavy.

"Why…?" His voice was mild. He sat on the floor and hugged his knee. He buried his head inside and sobbed. After all these years after his mother's death, this was the first time he felt like this. Even when his father took a mistress and threw him like garbage after knowing his second gender, he didn't feel this pain. His heart was breaking. Extremely painful. Once again he felt that he was alone in this world. He has nowhere to go and there is no one who cares about him.

A home, which isn't a home, a father, who doesn't consider him as a son, step mother and step siblings, who were waiting for his demise, friends, who can betray him anytime, all these things never made him this heart broken.

That person, a warmth, he got after many years, and those embrace that made him feel safe, in this tiring life, those were the only things that made him forget all his pain and loneliness. But now, it's also drifting away from him.

He knows, he knows that he doesn't have the right to question that person. He doesn't have the right to feel betrayed. They only know each other for a few days. It is unreasonable to question that person for having a lover, when he was the one who is going to get engaged with another person.

Still, it's painful, more painful than anything, when that person doesn't want him.

'Why is it so painful when loving someone?' Fengge paused by his own thoughts. Yes, he is in love with that person, without even realising he fell head over heels for that person. Fengge felt heart broken.

Why didn't he realise earlier that he loves him this much. He cried painfully without making noise.

"I love you,Idiot." Fengge said in a low voice.

Suddenly someone pulled him up. Fengge was forced to stand up. Because of the force he staggered and was about to fall. But a strong arm hugged his waist, pulling him close to that person's broad and powerful chest. Before he could react, soft lips pressed against his own. Ravaging his lips. A powerful yet seductive kiss instantly made his legs weak.
