Chapter 50 (END of S1)

"B...Boss, what are you doing here..?" 

His voice was unconsciously loud.

Gu Weicheng looked back. His phoenix eyes narrowed. And cold air forms around the seat.

Xiaochen was also surprised.

"Brother, Do you know this guy…?"He looked at Weicheng. 

David opened his eyes wide and looked at Xiaochen in disbelief. 

"B…B…B….Broth…er...." His voice trembled."You are Xi…Xiaochen….,?" 

He gulped his saliva.

'I am done for…'


Few moments ago. 

"Did you get any clue about that omega?" Gu Weichengs dark voice echoed in the room. 

In front of him sat two people who he was very familiar with. 

It was none other than Sam and Mitchell. 

Well, It was a meeting between two icebergs. But Sam, who wanted to meet his idol, followed. But when he saw the real person, who was like a serious student facing his principal. Neet and steady.

"No… Don't know who is helping that person or he himself is a hacker. Every video in that building was destroyed. We weren't even able to find any clear clue about him."

Mitchell said frowned.  

"I think someone is trying to distract us using him. If not, how can there be nothing about that person? As if the person we are trying to find isn't real but was just a mirage." Samual said in an irritated tone. 

"No.We can't underestimate him just because he is an omega." Mitchell said. 

"And we can't be sure with that guy's testimony. We need to find the real person. Only then can we know who is behind everything."

Gu Weicheng narrowed his eyes and took a sip from his drink. 

"But one thing for sure.." Mitchell looked at Weicheng."That person wasn't trying to destroy the Gu group at once. I think for him everything is like a play." His voice was firm.

"Why do you think so…" Samual asked. 

Mitchell glanced at Samuel and said.

"Think. If he wants to destroy the Gu group,he should have done so when the group was at the verge of collapse . His first target should have been Gu Xiaochen. But there weren't any more attempts or anything. As if that accident was just an ordinary accident. And also, over all these years, what Gu group went through wasn't complete destruction, but that person destroyed every hope of Youngmaster Gu one by one. As if playing with a puppet game, controlling everything with strings, until it is completely destroyed. "

After Mitchell finished his word. The atmosphere was extremely cold. Even the bodyguard who was guarding outside felt goosebumps. 

"Now that his toy went out of hand. His calculations were interrupted. He will definitely try to strike." Sam said while Mitchell nodded his head in agreement.

"He will land on this land very soon.."

 Weicheng said in a spine-chilling voice. 

Hearing this Mitchell and Sam were surprised and looked at Weicheng.

"Intuition". Weicheng said eerily.

 Samual shuddered. 

'Boss is too scary sometimes.'

He thought.

[AHN:-If secretary Gu heard this, he would have corrected his mistake..🤭]

After some more discussion they were finally about to leave. 

They went out of the room. Samual followed behind Mitchell and Weicheng. 

Suddenly Weichengs mobile rang. He waved his hand towards two of them and went to attend the call.

Mitchell and Sam were about to go outside and wait When a waiter slipped and spilled red wine all over Mitchells suit. 

"So…so…sorry sir…. My legs slipped." He said anxiously. 

"It's okay,"Mitchel said. The waiter bowed again and again. Apologising. Mitchell was really uncomfortable with the waiter who was trying to clean his suit with a tissue, but instead spread it all over. 

"No, I can just wash it.." He said. 

Waiter once again starts to apolosing. Seeing the customers' dark look, the waiter was scared and apologised again. After a minute of confrontation and confirming that they weren't going to complain, the waiter sighed in relief and showed Mitchell the way towards the bathroom. 

"I can go by myself." Mitchell said. 

Waiter once again bowed and ran away to work.

"Pfffff" Sam who tried hard to control his laughter, laughed out seeing the frustrated look of his brother. 

Mitchell looked at him sharply. Sam closed his mouth and stood straight. 

When he saw Mitchell was entering the washroom he was finally able to laugh till his heart content. After that he stopped a waiter and took a glass of water from him.

"Pftttt….cough.. cough…cough…" Even before he could drink, he saw two figures sitting opposite to each other and split out all the water in his mouth, and coughed non stop. 

"Co…Cousin.." he put the glass down and rubbed his eyes making sure he wasn't hallucinating. 

Realising what he is seeing is true. He looked left and right and finally his eyes landed on the figure who was talking on the phone. 

'Cousin, if you want to die then commit suicide. Why are they taking the cruellest way?'

After thinking he strolled left and right… 

"Wha…What should i do…" "Should I just go in directly…" 

He took a step and stopped. 

'No…No… I can't… If i go directly with my cousin's nature, he won't even budge without knowing the reason. It will take more time.. And if the boss saw us together...…

No…No…No… I don't want to die together with him….'

He tried to get David's Attention through many gestures. But all went in vain. Only making other customers look at him weirdly.

Then he looked at Weicheng. He saw Weicheng stopped talking on the phone and walked in this direction. He began to get anxious.

Suddenly an idea popped into his brain. He took his mobile phone and dialled David's number. 

"Pick…pick…pick.." he murmured. But to his disappointment, David didn't even look at his phone and hung up…

"You….." He took a deep breath and called again. 

This time, David saw the Id and went to the bathroom to attend. But before Sam could say anything. He heard footsteps behind and looked back slowly. 

"What happened…?" Seeing Sam's pale face, Weicheng asked. But before Sam could answer, Weicheng saw a familiar face. 

"Chenchen.." Gu Weicheng frowned and walked past Sam and went towards Xiaochen. 

Sam's hand trembled. When his phone vibrated and saw David's number, He couldn't help but show some sympathy. 

'Cousin, I can only light a candle for you.' 

Xiaochen, who was sitting alone, felt a tall shadow over him. He looked up, saw the familiar figure, his eyes immediately twinkled. 

"Brother…" He stood up and hugged Weicheng. 

Weicheng stiffened, but he didn't push the person away, but only patted Xiaochen's head.

Xiaochen moved back and looked at his brother and asked in excitement.

"Brother, why are you here…?, when did you come back…?".

Weicheng paused and hesitated for a moment. But when he was about to say something, he was interrupted.

"B...Boss, what are you doing here..?" 

He heard a known voice and looked back.

Seeing the familiar face. He frowned.

His eyes turned Gloomy.

"Brother, Do you know this guy…?"

Xiaochen asked.

David opened his eyes wide and looked at Xiaochen in disbelief. 

"B…B…B….Broth…er...." His voice trembled."You are Xi…Xiaochen….,?" 

He gulped his saliva.

'I am done for…'

Seeing what is happening there. Sam doesn't know what to do. 

"What's wrong..?" He heard Mitchells voice.

"Bro…Brother… cousin David…" He said gazing towards a particular direction. 

Mitchell also looks that way. When he saw the people standing there. A devilish smirk formed on his face. 

"Now it's going to be interesting.." He said. 

Sam looked at his brother and then David.

'Cousin David… What are you going to do…'

(END of Season 1)


Hey dear readers,

Now this is the end of season 1. Do you want to know what happened to David? Do you want to know who the real Villain is? Do you want more Romance and Naughty stuffs😏.. Then Stay tuned. Our Second season is going to start.  It's going to be much more spicy than the previous season.

So stay tuned..

Those who forgot the plot. I will add a summary of season one and prologue of season 2 for you. Don't miss it. And thank you for your patience. 

Love you all 


(i will update chapters every Sunday)