Chapter 55 (S2)

Lee mansion.

Lee Fengge opened his room. Though it's his home, he left this home when he was 18 and always stays in the villa left by his mother. And usually won't visit Lee mansion if Mr.Lee didn't call for him. But today he got a call from his father. Asking him to come back.

Lee Fengge looked at his room. It was extremely familiar yet unfamiliar to him. Here he lived for many years, still this so-called house never gave him the sense of security one should feel when they finally return home.

All he gets when he visits this house is disappointment and sadness.

Lee Fengge looked inside. The clean room shows that somebody came to his room for regular cleaning. It felt like an abandoned room without an owner yet it was clean as if this room was well taken care of. Obviously he knows who did this and he won't thank her. Because he knows, it's all her perfect acting before his father. She is a woman who can act like a loving mother when hiding a knife behind her which can stab your heart at any time. If he didn't  experience it, even he would have believed in her sweet actions. Fengge took a step inside the room. Even when he previously visited this place, he never entered the room after leaving the house. This was once his home. Now it felt like a jail for him.

Fengge smiled as if he was mocking himself.

He clearly knows that for his father he is just a tool which he will use and discard and yet like a fool he always longed for his father's affection.

Suddenly he stopped smiling and  his eyes turned dark.

'If I am a tool. I will work as a tool. Until I can get what I want.'

Lee Fengge walked towards his bed.

"It's been six years." He murmured. The first thing he did after he turned 18 was leaving this house and only after that did he feel like he was alive. But still he wasn't able to completely escape because he wanted to protect what his mother left behind. It was only because of his ability that he was able to fight against those hyenas and his father all this time.

He had a guess as to why his father suddenly wanted him to visit home. Highly likely because of the chance he bought. But this time he won't allow his father to take away his opportunity. Especially something related to his mother.

Fengge came out of his deep thoughts when he heard the sound of cars. He walked towards the window and pulled the curtain slightly. Few cars were parked outside the house.

He narrowed his eyes. The car door opened and a tall, sturdy figure came out of the car. Fengges face darkened.

"So he is finally back….Lee Fang." He clenched his first. Fengge was about to close the curtain when he saw someone else getting out of the car.

"Who is that.." A beautiful person came out of the car with a gentle aura. He looked harmless and cute. Fengge frowned his brows. Suddenly the omega looked towards him and smiled. Which surprised Fengge. Because the glass is tinted nobody can see inside of the room. Yet that person looked this way at smiled at his direction as if he can see him.

Lee Fengge clenched his hands more tightly.

"Who is he..?"

Unlike that person's look, he gave him an extremely uneasy feeling.  Fengge closed the curtain was walked out of the room.



Xiaochen was walking alongside Butler Bai Zen.

"Young Master." Butler Sen Called.

Xiaochen looked towards his butler.

"Is it necessary for you to visit the mall yourself? If you need something you can just inform me. I can buy it for you." He said.

Xiaochen frowned and turned around.

"No.." He said stubbornly.

"You should know why I am here. So how can you stop me from shopping when I am so excited." He said with a pout.

(AHN: Cute(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠))

Bai Zen sighed and a small smile formed on his lips.

"My mistake." He said.

Xiaochen turned back and happily walked towards the next shop.

Bai Zen looked at his master's joyful back and shook his head with a smile

How can he not know? Always, during this time of the year his young master will go shopping. It is to celebrate the First Youngmasters birthday. For a few years this time period was extremely painful for everyone in Gu mansion, cause everyone knows how much the Young master misses his parents and his brother and during this time it becomes more intense. Before everything they always celebrated the young master's birthday like a festival. Though outsiders won't be invited to their family celebration, that day was a festival for all the people in Gu mansion. A joyful and happy day.

But these four years are extremely gloomy for everyone in Gu house because the joyful time turned into a painful period for Xiaochen, his second young master.

Youngmaster will decorate the house on his own without allowing anyone to help and he will cut the cake and eat a small part of it then will cut another four pieces for his parents,brother and Grandpa. But the three other seats were always empty. And after Elder Gu was hospitalised, it was celebrated alone by his young master.

That lonely figure sitting on the bench was extremely painful and sad for Bai Zen to watch. Because, though Xiaochen tried to hide, his eyes always lingered on the door as if waiting for someone to enter the house. But no one came. Bai Zen hated himself for not being able to help his master at all.

But this year it's different. Youngmaster won't be alone. Thinking about it he felt a heavy stone melting down in his heart.

It's been years since he took on his own father's footstep and worked as a Gu family butler.

Though the Bai family always served the Gu family. It wasn't a rule for all the members of the Bai family to work under the Gu family. They can do everything they wish for and it wasn't necessary for them to work under the Gu family.

He also had the opportunity to follow whatever dream he had just like his other cousins, who studied at prestigious universities and did the job they always longed for with the help of the Gu family.

But he chose to be Gu young master's butler.

Because it was his dream.

When he was young, he wasn't like normal Beta who, though can't be compared to alpha but still had a healthy and sturdy body. The reason was that he wasn't a complete beta but a pseudo omega.

(AHN: Pseudo omega explanation is in the intro)

Because of that he was always bullied by others in his school. And the person who stood in front of him was none other than his young master Xiaochen. With that small body Xiaochen always protected him.

His father many times scolded him for making the second young Master fight for him. But what can he do when the person himself won't stop protecting him?

He was so scared one time when Second Youngmaster Gu became totally injured in a fight with some alpha who insulted him and called him bad names.

He tried to Inform Mr and Mrs Gu, but Xiaochen stopped him saying that He will be scolded by them. But Bai Zen clearly knew that it's not that he was scared of his parents scolding but because his father who is extremely protective towards the young Masters won't allow his son to be near them if it will cause the Young Master's to suffer.

Bai Zen was really helpless when he saw Little Xiaochen was running towards his elder brother instead of applying medicine for the wounds.

He didn't know what happened, the next day the children who bullied him were suddenly expelled from the school and the teacher who always turned blind eye to everything was dismissed from her Job. He was amazed. His first thought was that Mr and Mrs Gu found out about everything and punished them.

But he was unsure about that because he always heard one thing repeatedly from his father.

Master and Madam Gu, though they are very powerful but that doesn't mean they are  heartless, they always give those who make mistakes a second chance. But it won't  make them pushovers because you won't get any third chances. He knew his father would never lie about the Gu couple. And it's impossible for him to make a mistake.

From what he heard from his father, he thought they would warn those people and wouldn't be so cruel as to expel them directly. And he was sure that, except them, nobody can influence a school owned by the Gu family  except the Gu master's. Only later did he know that it wasn't Mr and Mrs Gu who did that but the first Young master.

He still remember the next day after the incident his father told him,

"Zen, even if you offend Mr and Mrs Gu, never offend the First young master. Because you won't get a second chance." Though his father was very serious when he told him that, he saw extreme happiness and pride in his father's eyes towards a boy who hasn't even reached puberty.

And his whole image about the sweet and caring First Youngmaster suddenly changed and his respect for the Gu young master's went to another level.

At that time he swore that he would protect them even if he had to sacrifice his life. And he followed his master through all the difficult times and he saw how his master suffered all this year.


Bai Zen came back from his thoughts when he heard his young master calling.

"What are you dreaming about?"

Xiaochen grinned.

"Are you thinking about your future husband?" He smirked.


Bai Zen who was seriously thinking about his master's past was defenceless against the sudden question.

A slight blush tinted on his ears because he was caught daydreaming and was embarrassed. But Xiaochen, who saw the blush, totally misunderstood the situation.

"Really… You were thinking about your husband.." Xiaochen looked in amazement.

"N…No.. I am not.." Bai Zen said.

"Don't worry. If you like someone just tell me." Xiaochen smiled.

"I will help you.." He said

"No. It's not like that. I was thinking which store should we visit next." Bai Zen said, hiding his embarrassment.

"Really…?"Xiaochen looked suspicious.

"Really, And I won't fall for anyone. And. Not going to marry anyone too.." Bai Zen said with a frown.

"Hay, you can't say that. Even if you don't want to ,you have to marry someone in the future." Xiaochen said.

"And you know most of the time the person who rejects marriage is the one to marry first you know."

He looked at Bai Zen and said. "Maybe a handsome prince will suddenly appear in front of you and you won't be able to resist. In the end you will forget all about us only he will be in your eyes." Xiaochen smirked.

"No, Never." Bai Zen's voice was extremely serious.

"Nobody can make me do that." He looked at Xiaochen stubbornly.

A small sweat appeared on Xiaochens head. It's really rare for Bai Zen to talk back to him and rarely will he show his stubbornness.

'Should I be happy that he cares so much about us or be worried that he isn't thinking about his own future.'

He sighed.

"Okay okay I am just joking. If you don't like it, nobody can force you to be in a relationship, okay.."Xiaochen said.

"Okay." Bai Zen's face lit immediately.

Xiaochen saw this and smiled.

"Come lets go." And he walked towards the next shop followed by Bai Zen. He glanced at Bai Zen and thought.

'I feel pity for the guy who is going to fall for him. Brother in law all the best.'


At the same time.

Few miles away.

"Achoo" someone sneezed.

"Bro…..What happened..?"

"Nothing.." The alpha touched his nose.

'I should hire a new cleaner to clean the house. There is so much dust here..' he thought.


>>Next chapter

Xiaochen was looking through some jewellery. Suddenly he heard a woman's voice from behind.

"Ho look who is here."

Xiaochen looked back. Seeing the two people standing in front of him, he frowned.

"Long time no see.." Hearing the familiar sound from,  Xiaochen's joyful mood turned extremely gloomy.


AHN :Next Chapter going to be really exciting…Don't miss it…


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