Chapter 57 (S2)


"Are you really sure he is in the mall?" David looked at the one of the Biggest Malls in Country M. 

"Cousin, are you sure you want to follow my brother's plan?" Sam asked as if he was extremely worried about his cousin. 

David sighed.

"Do you think that I have any other option?" He said. 

He walked inside of the mall.

"Don't feel bad if I say something." Sam said. 

"Even though he is my brother. Don't trust him too much…" 

"I know. But I don't have any option other than trust him. You know the only person who can help me now is Rabbi… I mean Xiaochen. So even I have to beg him. I will definitely make him help me. Well maybe if  he likes me, that psycho won't make his own brother a widow right…?"

'Yeah… But you have to be alive for him to like you right..' Sam sighed internally. 

"Well… I am not doing anything wrong. I will Just meet him and ask him to help me escape from his brother. I can even sacrifice my whole body to him if he can save my life." David said.

'Buy I think you won't value your life at all. And if Boss saw you near his brother. You won't even get a chance to sacrifice.' Sam sighed. 

"Well I hope you will succeed in this mission." Sam said.

"I am sure he won't be able to reject me. Who can Reject someone as handsome as me?"

[AHN: And the person who was Rejected by him  before was your ghost? 🙂]

"Well do you know his specific location.." David looked around. 

"This place is so fu**ing big. How can I find him in this ca…"

Before he finished his words, his whole body froze. He felt an extremely familiar distress pheromone. He looked around. Nobody around him seemed to notice.

David frowned. 

"Hello…,Cousin what happened…?" Sam asked

"Nothing.. I will call you later." Before Sam could respond, the phone was disconnected. 

David looked around. He doesn't need to know who this pheromone belongs to. Even if it's only for one time he can never forget this smell. But what made him anxious was the feeling this pheromone was carrying.

David anxiously looked around. And ran towards the direction where he felt the familiar feeling from. In between these chaotic thoughts, he didn't realise the fact that other than him nobody felt the pheromone at all.. Not even the alpha standing in front of the omega.

David increased his face. He felt an unfamiliar anxiety.

"Leave my HAND.." He heard the familiar voice.

He immediately walked towards the area. And the distressed pheromones become intense. When he saw the familiar sign board,he frowned. He walked inside and saw someone grabbing the hand of His omega. He felt extreme anger, murderous intent flashed on his eyes.

"TAKE YOUR HAND AWAY FROM ME." He saw the omega trying to break away from the alpha. He reached out  and grabbed the hands which held his omega 

"Dude.. Did you not understand your native language?" 

David smiled.But the smile didn't reach his cold eyes.

"He said leave his hand.."

He tightened his grip on He Donghai. Unknowingly Donghai loosened his grip and Xiaochen broke away from him.

Xiaochen looked at the tall figure standing in front of him. He felt a sense of relief and his body unknowingly moved behind David as he tugged the Alpha's shirt.

David glanced at Xiaochen and swa the red hand print on the thin wrist. The pale skin made it look more ugly. 

The smile on his face completely disappeared. 

He tightened his grip on He Donghai's hand. 

Donghai, who looked at David as an enemy , suddenly felt a surge of pain on his wrist. He tried to break free. But the more he tried to pull his hands, the more it tightened.

Suddenly he felt a sense of crisis.

'This guy isn't an ordinary Alpha.' He gritted his teeth.

David didn't have any mind on He Donghai's struggle. He looked at Xiaochen. 

"Does it hurt..?" He asked. Xiaochen didn't look up, just shook his head.

David paused. 

"I will ask again. Does it hurt?" Though he didn't use his Alpha voice it still was powerful. 

This time Xiaochen didn't dare to lie. Only nodded his head. 

David's eyes flashed murderous intent. He put more strength on his hand. This time it went above the level which Donghai can endure. His face clearly showed the painful expression. 

Immediately the He Family Bodyguard went towards David. But before they could do anything, some people stopped them. Compared to before, the Gu family Bodyguard didn't need any signal at all. They immediately suppressed the He family's people. 

The sudden turn of events surprised everyone present. Mrs. He, who was stunned, immediately came out of her daze when she saw her son's painful expression. 

"oh my god… someone stop this guy.. he is trying to kill my son.." she cried.

"Yo…You.. What the hell are you doing?" She ran  towards David and tried to free his hand from her son. But dmDavid Mercilessly pushed her away. 

Xi Lehan, who came out of her daze after seeing the handsome Alpha. Came forward and said.

"Mr.  What are you doing? It's our family matter. You shouldn't involve yourself in this matter."

She said meekly. Nobody will think she was the same girl who was cursing Xiaochen. 

"Oh.." David raised his eyebrows. 

"I thought, the surname of this guy is He, when did He family and Gu family become one." He said mockingly.

Xi Lehan was embarrassed.

David once again tightened his grip. But suddenly smelled the distress pheromone. He pushed He Donghai on the ground and turned his head towards Xiaochen. 

"Are you alright?" He asked. Xiaochen shook his head. Though he was trying hard to control, it didn't stop his hands from trembling. 

David took Xiaochens hand on his own hand and looked at the red marks on the wrist. Which made him extremely angry and distressed. 

Xi Lehan, who saw this whole scene clenched her fist. She looked  at Xiaochen with extreme jealousy.

'How did this B*tch seduces this handsome Alpha.' she gritted her teeth. 

Mrs.He looked at Xiaochen and David. 

"You… How could you beat my son? You don't know, our He family isn't someone who can be offended by someone like you."She looked at Xi Lihan.

"Xiaochen, call the police. I won't allow anyone to insult my He family." She said 

"Mom.. Stop it." Donghai said. 

He stood up and looked at He Donghai.

"I don't know who you are, but this is the matter between my He family and Gu family. It will be better for you to not offend us when you are in Country M." He said.

"Pffff…" David laughed. He walked towards He Donghai, leaving Xiaochen to Bai Zen who stood side by side with Xiaochen. Xiaochen felt a sense of loss when the strong hand which held him suddenly left him. He looked at David.

"He and Gu's family matter." How can it be He family and Gu family matter, when we all saw was Some s*um grabbing a fragile omega's hand. Well can we call it sexual assault." He said, tilting his head. 

"And just a few moments ago, what did Mrs.He say? She will sue me. I want to see if a foreigner who beat the He family's hair will be a thrilling topic  or the He family's hair who assaulted his ex-finance and was beaten by a foreigner will be a trending topic for the media." He smirked. 

Mrs.He's face turned pale. Xi Lehan also clenched her fist.  He Donghai gritted his teeth. He looked at Xiaochen and said. 

"Is this your new lover." His voice was deep.

Xiaochen looked at him without any emotion.  David clenched his hands. 

"Oh… I am not.." he said. 

"Not yet.. But soon it will be…" He said. 

Not only did it surprise The He family, even Bai Zen was stunned by the claim. 

He looked at his young master and saw the dumbfounded look on his face and immediately understood that his Youngmaster also didn't know anything about. 

He Donghai gritted his face. 

"Well I want to see how many more days you can be with this guy."

Saying this he turned around and left with his bodyguard. 

After exiting the shop, Xi Lehan asked. 

"Cousin, why didn't you do anything about that guy. I am sure that b*tch seduced that guy."


A slap fell on her face. 

"All of these problems are caused by this damn mouth of yours. He said.

"And did you not see? The bodyguards with him and the way he talked. No way he is an ordinary Alpha. 

He took his phone and dialled.

"Hello, do a background check for me." His eyes shined with hatred. 


At the same time.

David walked towards Xiaochen and was about to hold his hand. But unlike before, Xiaochen took two steps back. 

How can he behave normally when David said something like that in front of everyone.

Bai Zen saw the interaction between the two and was really confused. 

"Youngmaster.. who is this…" he asked curiously.

"He is…" when Xiaochen was about to answer, David interrupted and said.

"Hello… my name David, David Wilson. Didn't you hear, I am your young master's soon to be lover and your future brother in law.."He said..

"Who's who..?" Suddenly a voice heard from the door. Everyone looked towards the door. David stiffly turned his head. The moment he saw the person standing there, his whole body petrified.

"Brother.." Xiaochen called out. All the staff looked towards the person who came, they thought at the same time.

'Is this the legendary brother. Wow, our Jewellers are really unworthy of this person.' They looked at Gu Weicheng without blinking an eye. 

Weicheng looked at Xiaochen and saw his red eyes and he frowned. Xiaochen unconsciously tried to hide his hand. Weicheng walked towards Xiaochen and took Xiaochens hands. This time Xiaochen immediately showed his hands then hugged his brother tightly.

"Brother, don't be angry." He said in a low voice. Xiaochen nuzzled his head. David looked at the scene and felt a sudden urge to  them. But his life was very precious to him. So he slowly moved towards the door. 

"Bai Zen.." He called. 

"Yes Master." He respectfully replied. 

"Take your Youngmaster home. I want to discuss something with Mr.Wilson." Suddenly the same bodyguards who helped him a few moments ago stood in front of him. 

"Wa…" David said. Before she could finish his words. The people took his hand from both sides.  

Bai Zen took Xiaochens and they both walked towards the door. When they reached the door, Xiaochen looked back and saw David, who acted high and mighty some moments ago, turned into a  fish trapped in the net. 

" No..Noel..We can talk…" He said something in a foreign language which Xiaochen didn't understand.

A smile formed on his face as he walked out. Bai Zen, who saw his young master's expression, glanced back at the foreigner and then at Xiaochen. A meaningful smile formed on his lips.

"So now.. Can we talk somewhere else.." Weicheng said..

'Please Someone help.'

[AHN: Oh god please give David a peaceful death..]



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AHN Note :

This is the final chapter for today. Hope you guys enjoyed this. Next chapter is next Sunday. 

Love you all

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