Few days pass after leon's encounter with the demon lord.He didn't share this incident with any one, as demon lord's return could shock the world and could create chaos and panic in the public.Just for the time he decided not to share it with anyone and look into this matter by himself.

Within just one month Leon had already mastered four major elemental magics-wind, fire, earth, and spacial by the guidance of edward and practicing it while learning from magic books.He was already on the level, same as the master of magic towers.Such monstrous growth at such an young age was something even edward was not expecting.But Leon was not satisfied by it at all, after his encounter with the demon lord Leon had realised that the one's he will be facing in the future will be far more dangerous and powerful than his current level and to face them at equal foot he have to use every opportunity to grow stronger.He also had the dark element magic but the problem was no one knew how to use it.Dark magic was use only by the demon race, very rarest magicians among humans could use dark magic and there was nothing about dark magic in details in any records.So Leon decide to put the usage and learning of dark magic aside for the time being and to focus on his one of a special skill that only he could use.The 'creation magic' by using this skill he could create different spells and magic.He started to explore his skill and tries to find out what were the capabilities of his unique skill.To his surprise he found that the skill was very handful as whatever Leon imagines in his mind, would create a magic circle and then that things appears in-front of him.He tried to imagine bronze, silver and gold bar with their textures, surface, size and quality one by one and that appear in-front of him in reality through magic circle.But there was one draw back of that skill, the larger the size of object he summons the more the mana drains out.But as Leon contained enormous mana power it wouldn't affect him too much.Leon was having fun while exploring his powers.On the other side as per leon's request Richard was training jared and as a captain he wasn't going easy on jared at all.Jared was also training under richard's guidance with his all might and his dedication and talent for swords was impressing Richard.As Leon hold the command of the whole battalion they were training more harder than usual and were being more alert while guarding the border as Leon gives punishment to anyone who shows slightest of mistakes and found slacking off while on duty.He was more cruel and strict then their captain.Although he was just a kid but due to his enormous power and cruel personality like a tyrant while commanding the battalion, the soldiers gave him the nickname 'The Blood Beast of Britannia'.At that time no one knew that the nickname would create an uproar all over the world in near future.

Everything seemed to be going all right until one day a soldier came to Leon running and informed him.

"Sir, there are some guest from the other side of gates who wishes to meet you and ask for your permission" the soldier said.

Hearing this Leon goes to the gate 1 with jared escorting him and edward by his side.Leon didn't have slightest of idea who the guest were but he was curious as after his encounter with the demon lord, a sudden guest from the other side seemed like some connection to both events and that is why Leon decided to meet the guest.As they reached there the gate 1 opens, and the ones standing there as uninvited guests were elf.The one standing forward with muscular built seem to be some kind of general and the other two standing behind him seem like his soldiers.

"I 'Lar' the commander of elf of the elf race greets the hope of Britannia" the elf bows down and said in heavy voice.

Judging by his appearance and accent one could easily tell that he wasn't someone who could pay his respect to others and speak with calm without getting angry.So Leon knew that it was something urgent and important that even made that guy to act this way.

"Raise your head elf commander, and tell me what matter of urgency is it that you came to visit me without prior informing" Leon said.

"I am here to deliver a message to you by our queen and she also said that she kindly awaits for your response upon this matter" lar said and present a scroll from both of his hand while bowing down.

Leon took the scroll from lar and opens it.As Leon reads the scroll he is quite amused by the content of letter and his eyes are broadened while reading it.

"Seems like our guest has to await for a while before I could give them an answer" Leon said with a smile on his face as he finishes reading the letter.

"Jared prepare room for our guest so that they could take some rest, meanwhile me and count will discuss upon this matter and give an answer befitting queen's request" Leon said.

"Yes, my lord" jared replied.

As jared takes the guest to have some rest and refresh themselves, Leon and edward moves to leon's office to discuss the matter.Edward was also curious about the content of letter which was written by the elf queen herself and confused too as he wasn't able to figure out why.

At Leon's Office - as soon as count edward learns about the contents of the letter he was so shocked and confused.

The letter was an invitation for Leon from the queen herself to the elf village as she wants to discuss some matter of urgency with Leon.Edward couldn't understand what matter of urgency was it that the queen wants the help of an eight year old kid whom she haven't even meet before and she is so eager that she is even inviting him at elf village.Humans and elf were on good terms from the start.They had even sign the peace treaty to do trades between both the races.Elfs living in human towns or even getting married to human was pretty normal case.Mostly all the elfs came from elf village only those elf who decided to settle in human worlds were not related to elf village.Elf village is located in mystery forest and there was one unspoken rule among the elf that every human knew.No humans could enter an elf village and if somebody tries to sneak in the village, no matter how powerful that person maybe or even if he/she is royalty the punishment will be death.That is why no one have ever step in elf village but now a sudden invitation for Leon from the elf queen herself to enter the elf village and meet her.It seem very fishy.