As Leon returns to the western gates the whole battalion was present there, for his arrival welcoming him. Looking at their faces Leon could tell that they were happy about his arrival. The bond between the soldiers and Leon had grown stronger in comparison to, the first time when Leon arrived at the western gates.

Leon's everyday life at western gates continued. He and aerin exchanged letters every day, and rather than contacting Edward, now the duke started talking with Leon directly through letters as Leon was taking responsibility, he was now becoming more serious and focused. Just like that six years passed and a lot of things changed, the time of Leon's coming-of-age ceremony was coming near. In these past years, Leon trained himself more, slaughtered numerous monsters, and battled against many monster waves. His nickname 'The Blood Beast Of Britannia' was spread throughout the wales empire. Although the people didn't know the real identity of the person behind this nickname some rumors had it that he is one of the soldiers at the western gates. Leon's escort Jared already mastered swordsmanship and aura, accompanying Leon on the battlefield he too gained a lot of experience. The duo of Leon and Jared became the favorite and strongest duo which was liked by the whole battalion.

At duke's office -

"So the time finally comes," the duke said to himself looking out from the window of his office.

At western gates, Leon received orders from the duke to return to the mansion as the stage is set for him. Leon starts to prepare for his return. Before Leon's return, a farewell was organized for him and Jared by the whole battalion with drinks and food.

"Cheers for the best duo of the western gates!!" all the soldiers said in sync.

"When he arrived here, I never thought that he will be able to survive in this hell. But he proved me wrong and even showed us hope through his powers. There will be no other kids like these ever in history. This kid is born to create history and it will be interesting to see what path he will choose" Richard talking about Leon in this mind.

The celebration of the farewell continued the whole night and everybody was happy and enjoying the moment. Things had changed a lot and on top of all that was Leon.

A huge party was organized at the Britannia mansion inviting every big aristocrat. Everybody thinks of it as a normal gathering but as it was organized by the duke himself no one dared deny the invitation. The emperor was the only one who wasn't able to attend, but his presence wasn't anything important for the duke as he knew that he will eventually run out and dig into the matter as soon as he will find out what's gonna happen at the party. Among the invited, no one knew that it was a party for Leon's coming-of-age ceremony. The only aware ones were the trusted and loyal ones. Even the duke's son George and his family weren't aware of the real intention behind the huge party. The whole Britannia duchy was decorated it looked like a celebration for some festival. A lot of famous people from the arts and business sector and even the grandmaster of the magic tower were invited. Every person who was present in the party hall was curious about this sudden gathering. A royal carriage of Britannia stops right in front of the party hall.

"Everything is clear outside you can come outside master," a knight said.

He was none other than Jared, now he was 18 years old he had a muscular built and he had grown taller alongside swordsmanship he also mastered the manners to be a perfect escort. The way he spoke showed respect in his voice for his master. As Jared spoke, the person inside of carriage came out. Seeing someone coming out of Brittania's carriage an unfamiliar face made the guard on the door shocked and surprised. Inside the hall Franz, the head butler informs something in the duke's ear. As soon as the duke hears it a huge smile comes on his face.

"Did you see that just now the duke smiled" some random person in the public whispered.

It was rare sightseeing the duke smile as he was known for his strict and cruel behavior. He always seemed serious that's why the public was a bit surprised seeing him smile.

"May I have your attention, please. You might be curious why I have invited you all over here. Well let me tell you it is for a coming-of-age ceremony" the duke said standing on the landing return of stairs.

"Coming-of-age ceremony? Didn't the grandsons of duke already have their ceremonies?" some people in the crowd whispered.

The people were talking about the other two grandsons Blake and Callen. At this point, they had no idea that the duke was talking about Leon the people had forgotten about him while some assumed that he was dead as the duke ordered him to go to the western gates.

"Before you have some confusion let me introduce the special guest for whom I have to organize this party. You all might be familiar with his nickname - The Blood Beast of Britannia, my grandson the successor of dragon lord and the next head of Britannia duchy 'Leon Josh Britannia'" duke said with a huge smile on his face pointing towards the main entrance of the party hall.

Seeing duke one could tell that it was one of the happiest days of his life. As soon as the duke completed the introduction the main door opens.