Leon arrived at the Britannia mansion that was in the capital. All the servants were already there to welcome him at his arrival. After arriving at the mansion he refreshes himself and took some rest.

He gets ready and orders a bouquet. He informs one of the butlers who was standing there.

"I am going out for some time," Leon said to the butler.

Traveling in the carriage, Leon reaches the royal academy which was in the capital itself and he steps down from the carriage as he reaches there. There was a lot of crowd and students with the academy uniform could be seen everywhere. As Leon steps down from his carriage holding the bouquet in his one hand the girls were swayed by his charm.

"Who is he?" one girl asked.

"Is he a prince of some other empire?" another girl asked.

"Isn't that Britannia carriage that means he is that famous next heir of Britannia" one girl said.

"Kyaa... he is so handsome," another girl said.

Today was the graduation ceremony of students in the royal academy. But why Leon was there was still a question. He suddenly stops walking as he saw a girl walking in the hallway laughing and talking with her friends. She was none other than Aerin. And today was the day of her graduation from the royal academy. Seeing the crowd gathered outside she looked there to see what happened. And as she looked outside she froze there for a minute as she wasn't able to believe what she saw. Both Aerin and Leon's eyes made contact with each other. She ran outside towards Leon and as she came in front of him, they both were looking at each other without saying anything as they were meeting after such a long time.

"Am I late?" Leon asked smiling.

"Yes you are dummy," aerin said in an emotional tone and hugged him.

Both of them hugged each other tightly but as they realise the other students were watching them both of them immediately take their hands off.

"Congratulations on your graduation" Leon said to her and handed over the bouquet to her.

"Th...Thanks" as she took the bouquet her face turn red and her ears were moving.

"Let's go we should talk somewhere else," Leon said and holds her hand as both of them starts running outside the academy.

Leon didn't take the carriage and both of them were wandering in the capital watching and enjoying different things over there. After some time both of them stopped at a park. Both are sitting on the same bench and Aerin is talking to Leon. And Leon was just looking at her without saying anything. His eyes were showing a different emotion for Aerin and she also noticed it.

"Hey Leon, a few days back mom was asking if something was going on between you and me and it was not the first time she asked me this question," she said.

"So what did you say," Leon asked calmly.

"What would I? As always I said we are best friends. But now I can't do it anymore. I also wanna know what our relationship is? How do you feel about me? Do you even feel the same way I do? I want to know Leon" she said.

He had no answer to her questions. Leon didn't know what he was feeling for her and how should he react to it. He didn't know what to do. He hold Aerin's hand and said -

"Aerin, I know that you want to know the answers to some questions but to be honest, I don't have an answer to your question right now. Can you give me some time, to sort things out on my own?" Leon asked

"Alright, Leon I don't want you to feel pressured. So you can take as much time as you want" Aerin said and gave a smile.

As Leon looked at her smiling he patted her head and as soon as he do that Aerin blushed. Aerin was planning to head back to elf village as now her graduation was completed but Leon insisted her to be his guest and stay as he was going to be here for some days in the capital. After insisting her she agreed to stay as a guest for some days. After spending some time together, both of them head back to the mansion. Leon ordered to make the guest house ready and also ordered the maids to take utmost care of her.