
The emperor interrupted as both Leon and Arthur had a conversion that was more like a hidden battle of words.

"Looks like both of the young men are really into some serious discussion, isn't that right, duke?" the emperor said.

Just from looking at the face of the emperor, one could tell that he was really feeling good using Arthur as his hidden card. And the duke could also mean the same, but he sometimes really becomes childish just so that he could show the others how amazing his grandson is, and the duke did the same this time too so that he could annoy the emperor.

"Well, they are young blood, but what should I say cause at the end, the beast is different and special compared to all others. He will always stand out no matter the place." the duke said.

"You are true duke, but I think beast belongs to the wild he will perform better from there. A ruler is really needed to guide everyone to the right path," the emperor replied.

Although it was a typical conversation between the duke and emperor, the people could already feel the heat rising between both of them. But no one could dare interrupt them at that moment as their presence was scary.

"Ha ha ha, your jokes are always funny, your majesty. Everyone knows that no one is better than a beast when it comes to ruling. The humans adapt after seeing them, isn't that correct, your majesty?" the duke said.

The emperor didn't have anything to say further. It was a complete checkmate, and as everybody saw them, he decided not to take things further anymore.

As everybody thought things were settled, a huge noise came from outside. An explosion happened outside the hall. The noise was so loud that everybody heard it clearly and ran out in a panic state. One of a carriage blasted and was on fire. The royal guards present there took action immediately. Nobody understood what happened cause the palace was guarded by the royal guards, and to do such things was unbelievable.

While everybody's attention was on the blown carriage and they were confused and afraid, Leon suddenly felt something. He immediately turns towards his left in panic where his grandfather was standing.

"Freeze," Leon said, pointing his hand towards his grandfather's direction.

As soon as Leon cast this spell, a person who was exactly behind his grandfather holding a knife got frozen.No one noticed it before Leon as that person was using stealth magic. Thanks to Leon's quick action, that man was eliminated. But things didn't end there. Arthur pulled his sword and cut someone's head who was hiding behind the emperor, intending to kill him. People were shocked as the enemies appeared out of thin air. They were present and hiding from the start so perfectly that no one could notice them. But thanks to the two young bloods' quick judgment, they were eliminated.

Seeing their two subordinates die right there, the other assassins knew that their plan had failed. Using hand symbols, they inform each other to retreat from there. But they were already on the radar of Leon and Arthur.

"Prince, I will track them. It will be better for you to stay here and calm the situation first," Leon said.

Arthur wanted to go, but what Leon was telling was also true, so he decided to stay there and handle the situation.

"Fiction," Leon said.

As soon as Leon chanted the spell on his legs, he moved incredibly fast without much effort. Getting a glimpse of the situation, Jared also joins him. Jared was easily keeping up with Leon by using his aura.

"Three of them. Keep one alive and get rid of the other two," Leon said to Jared.

"Ok, master," Jared replied.

"You heard what young master said. Get to the work," Jared said.

As soon as he said that, two other people appeared out of Jared's shadow. They were the 'unknown' soldiers. Jared had prepared a unique trained army of 50 men by Leon's order. The people were given special training, and their powers were monstrous. All their information was erased from any document, and they were loyal to just one person, 'Leon.' They just followed commands and hid in shadows. That is why Leon gave them the name 'unknown.' They catch up to the assassins, and as per the commands, two were killed.

One assassin who was left behind was trembling. The assassin's left eye had a small cut on it.

"You really think that I will tell you anything. Even if I have to die, I will not tell you anything," the person said.

"Then we will just have to make sure that you tell us before you die, and if not, we will get the information from your dead body," Jared said.

Suddenly a reddish-brown smoke generated from that guy's body, and he began to scream. Before anyone did something, the person was dead with no blood left in his body.

Leon went near to that person's body and cut his sleeve. There were some weird blacks letters engraved on his hand. Jared's eyes broaden seeing those engravings.