"Mind manipulating and controlling are one of his unique skills.And Felix loves to see pain in the eyes of his prey before killing them," Alfred said to Leon.

"Seems like that guy is a real pain, we had to get rid of him as soon as possible," Leon said.

Just as both talked, a maid informed Leon that a messenger from elf village had come to seek an audience with him. A messenger at that time from elf village sounded suspicious, and Leon suspected that something wasn't right.

After coming home from her, graduation ceremony, she wanted to take a stroll to inspect the surroundings, but she didn't return. The more worrying was that the guards accompanying here were all found dead on the spot. The messenger had the personal message of the queen, which stated that princess Aerin was missing and nowhere to be found. There was not a single clue at the place of the incident, which is why the queen asked for Leon's help.

One after another, the problems were just following Leon, and he felt like he had fallen into a bottomless dark pit created by Felix. There seemed to be no end to the problems.

"I think Felix had captured the lady and imprisoned her in the dark palace.It so like him to play with such unhanded tricks." Alfred said.

"Do you know where that place is?" Leon asked.

"Yes I do master and I could teleport you there," Alfred replied.

"That's good. Then shall we end this once and for all," Leon said and took a deep breath.

Leon gets ready to save Aerin, and then with the help of Alfred, both of them teleport to the dark palace. They teleport to a hill from where they can clearly see the dark castle. Due to some restrictions in that place, Alfred couldn't teleport directly into the palace. As they teleport, some cries can be heard by Leon.

"Those are the cries of the fallen demons. Please pay no heed to them, master," Alfred said to Leon as he noticed that Leon was bothered by it.

"Yeah we should just focus on what we are here for," Leon said.

Both of them started to move forward towards the dark palace using magic.

On the other side at Britannia Mansion -

Real trouble knocks at the main entrance gate as Felix himself is there. Felix, who could have easily sneaked into the palace, decided to enter from the front gate because he was a maniac who loved to destroy things to the very end, but he didn't expect that this time he was the one to receive a surprise. As he was approaching the entrance gate, ignoring the guards' warnings, a voice came.

"Stop where you are.This is your last chance," somebody said.

A few moments before Leon leaves the palace -

Leon was in a hurry to solve the problems, but this time he decided to handle the situation with a calm mind, and for backup, he left a gift behind.

"I want you to guard the mansion in my absence, Jared. You know what to do when the time comes. So don't hesitate to take the right step. I give you the authority," Leon ordered Jared.

The person who stopped Felix at the entrance standing against him was none other than Jared. Holding his sword, it was clearly seen on Jared's face that he wasn't in the mood to play around; he was earnest.

"Oh-ho, looks like there was a gift waiting for me huh.But still you are a no match for me," Felix said.

"We will see about that," Jared replied with a smirk.

"Sword huh, you know what I like swords too," Felix said.

Saying this, Felix takes out the sword from his scabbard and gets in position to fight. Both of them focuses and take their positions.

The duke watched that from afar, and count Edward was with him.

"Just what we got ourselves into? Demons...I never thought that I would see them in my life, but they have returned," the duke said in his mind.

"Edward, tell everybody to be on their guard and order the maids and aged ones to evacuate from the mansion's back door as soon as possible," the duke ordered count Edward.

"Pardon but what about you duke?" the count asked with concern.

"I am the head of Britannia, and I am the one to take responsibility for each and everything happening in my duchy. I will see things through the end, and this is my order," the duke said.

The count was concerned, but he had no option other than following the duke's order.

On one side, Leon is entering the dark palace to save Aerin, and on the other side, a fierce battle between Jared and Felix is gonna take place. Things are gonna get very messy from now on.