Both Leon and Alfred are wiping out the troops of the doll with fantastic speed.

"Master are sure that leaving just one person behind at the mansion was enough to deal with Felix?" Alfred asked.

"Don't worry, Alfred. You are new, so you might not be aware, but the person whom I trusted the responsibility is the iron wall of Britannia. Surpassing him gonna be tough for Felix," Leon said with confidence and continued to deal with the enemies.

At the Britannia mansion -

The fight had taken a severe turn, and things had become more dangerous. Accompanying Leon from the very beginning, Jared realized that he would face enemies far more complex than anyone would have ever encountered. He realized that to serve his master, he had to improve every time to become the perfect vassal for his master. He achieved aura at a young age and perfectly mastered it but what after that.

It felt like he had just reached the end of a big wall, but he was aware that he had to grow further, and to do so, he had to surpass that big wall to start the journey of growth that awaited the other side of the wall.

He thought of every way possible, and rather than relying on any other source, he decided to look for the answers himself, and he did find those answers. Taking nature as the most significant source of knowledge and experience, he created his own sword formation. He created ten sword formations of his own, which was an outstanding achievement. As both Felix and Jared hold swords against each other one more time, Jared makes the first attack. Jared holds his sword in a close left position.

"First sword formation," Jared says, and his aura unleashes.

The sword formation was created so that it can use aura just like any technique, but the way it was used was something unexpected in this technique. As soon as Jared uses his first sword formation and his aura unleashes, Felix feels something different, and his eyes broaden.

"What is it? What did this kid do? I feel like I am standing in a pit full of mud which restricts my speed and if I move he will get aware of where I will attack. I have never seen such a technique," Felix said in his mind.

The first sword formation restricts your opponent's movements, and due to their slower movements, you can easily predict their footwork and attack. Dealing with such a thing was unexpected and challenging for Felix, but that doesn't apply to Jared. He trained himself every day, putting the best effort he could in every harsh and challenging situation, so It was easy for Jared. Talents are unique, but those talents could be beaten down by hard work and what Jared believed in was hard work. He never had that natural talent for swords, but he never gave up and worked hard every day. His hard work was now showing up.

While Felix was stunned by Jared's technique, without losing much of time, Jared charged his sword straight into his chest of Felix. His movements were faster than Felix could have imagined, and Jared had already made a move before he could reflect. As Jared's sword pierced Felix's chest, he coughed blood.

Felix pushes and moves backward. He makes some distance between them, but before he can stable and make some move, Jared goes for the next move.

"Second sword formation - Wind blaze," Jared says.

The second sword formation was a technique to make your blade hit your opponent with the medium of air using aura. He stands there and just swings his sword in the air. Suddenly Felix, who was at some distance, felt a sensation on his legs. As he looked downwards toward his legs, he saw deep cuts on them, making him tremble and unable to move correctly; he could barely stand.

Jared was applying a perfect strategy by not giving Felix any time to make a move. Felix's eyes looked downwards toward his legs for a moment, and that's where Jared goes for the final action.

"Fifth sword formation - flower touch," Jared said.

Nobody could have seen him swinging his sword at that formation, and he puts his sword back in its sheath. As Jared puts the sword back, Felix's head falls from his torso, and everybody present there witnesses that amazing moment. As Felix's body also falls to the ground, Jared takes a deep breath.

"I completed my task, master" saying this, Jared faints on the ground.