The Deltora kingdom is covered with snow throughout the whole year as it is located in the north. Today too, the atmosphere was chilly with snow all around the place.

The other side

Deltora border post -

The guards keeping the watch on the border of Britannia were lazing off as it was just a typical day for them with nothing special happening around. One of the guards who was half asleep saw something from a far distance, but as it was midnight and there was darkness all around the surrounding, he couldn't tell what it was. He rubbed his eyes and took the help of a telescope present over there. He focuses more on the lens and sees a few men. At first, he thought that it was just regular patrolling, but then he realized that it was more than that as there were many men present over there.

Due to the darkness, he couldn't tell whose men they were. He immediately redirected the spotlight towards that direction and saw a flag with a Britannian crest. The soldier freaks out and gets scared seeing a vast army charging towards them; he runs towards the emergency bell and starts ranging. He starts to shout.

"We are under attack."

"Enemies have barged in."

Every soldier presented there was shocked; they panicked, controlling the situation, they took their role. On the other side, the Britannian army was charging towards the defense wall oF Deltora at maximum speed. Before the Deltora soldiers could point their weapons and start firing, they missed one person out of their view - Leon, who was flying in the air and watching them. Leon points his finger towards the defense wall.

"Fire Bullet," Leon said.

As soon as he said that, fire in the form of bullets appeared and charged towards the wall. The size of the shot might seem small, but as soon as it hit the wall, a large explosion occurred, and the wall got split into two parts. Making enough space in between to let the Britannian army pass through.

At Deltora palace

The king's room -

The king was sleeping with comfort without any tension in the world. Suddenly, someone knocked on his room door.

"Your majesty, we are under attack. The Britannian soldiers have barged in," a person said from outside of the room.

Hearing this, the king immediately woke up and was in shock. He could listen to the emergency bell ringing outside through his room's window. He looked like a man in his 40s; he immediately put on some decent clothes and rushed out of his room. King's few loyal subordinates were waiting for him outside his room.

"How many of them are there?" the king asked one of his subordinates.

"We haven't been able to get the proper number, but it seems like 10,000 or more", the person replied.

"Let's hurry to the warzone," the king said.

"Your majesty, the enemies have destroyed the wall of defense," the person said.

"What... seems like that old slying fox still has some life left in his body", the king said angrily.

"Actually, the one who destroyed our defense is the prince of Britannia. He is also the one who is leading the army," the person said.

"How dare he, does he think he could win over me?

That young brat is just stepping towards his own death," the king said in anger and rushed outside.

As he stepped outside his palace, he was shocked as Leon stood in front of him.

According to Leon's strategy, Jared led the main forces as the commander and dealt with the Deltora soldiers, while Leon and the unknown army went towards the main palace. The unknown army will deal with the palace security while Leon will take down the king.

"Young brat, just cause you took down some beast, you think you can take me down?" the king said.

"I think...no, I am sure of it" Leon smiled.

A magic circle right under the foot of the king and his loyal subordinates activates. It was a spell Leon set up secretly as the king arrived. Some rope-like tentacles came out of that spell and tied up the king and his subordinates.

"You are too reckless and not worth to be called a king. I might have talked to you longer, but I don't have time for that, and more importantly, I promised my grandfather to serve the kingdom as a gift, so farewell," Leon said to the king.

"Wait...wait, we can sort it out", the king panicked as he saw his death in front of him.

But Leon didn't have any intentions to negotiate from the start.

"Crush," Leon said.

As soon as he said that, the tentacles tightened their grab, and bodies got crushed. There was nothing left behind besides the blood spilled all over the ground. It was a painful and horrific scene. Leon killed the king like a piece of cake, and Jared also led towards victory against Deltora soldiers. With this, the Deltora kingdom got submerged into Britannia and became a part of Britannia, resulting in raising the power of Britannia. The war ended in two days; it was so early than anyone would have ever expected. The plan to get Deltora under Britannia succeeded and came to an end.

The news of this will soon spread and gonna change a lot of things.



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