After meeting Aerin, Leon returned to the mansion. As he knew what awaited the duchy in the future, he had to be more alarmed and avoid any mistakes. He was lost in his thoughts as he was thinking of something deeper.

At the duke's office -

"How are things going on outside?" the duke asked Leon.

"From what I have gathered, it seems that Arthur will soon declare war, but they are preparing silently for the war for now. The rats I have sent to the capital are keeping an eye on every action of the palace," Leon replied.

[*By rats, he is referring to his spy]

"Good, but before moving further I wanted to tell you something, it's about the history of our family," the duke said.

"History? I don't get it. I mean I know our family history," Leon said.

"I am referring to how our family is related to the empire," the duke said.

The story goes long back when demons were still roaming on the lands. The first emperor of wales was an amazing knight and leader. He founded the empire and defeated innumerable beasts and monsters. For people, he was a hero and a gift of God. But to build a strong empire, he also needed strong subordinates. He roamed around the continent to look for talents who could be his subordinates. At that time, Britannians were famous all around the continent for their amazing mana capacity; they were the first worshippers of dragons. At first, they refused to cooperate with the first emperor as they didn't want to serve under anyone. But the first emperor realized that getting the Britannians by his side would provide immense power to the empire and benefit them for centuries.

After many requests and conditions, the Britannians agreed to make wales their home and be a part of it. The first emperor permitted Britannia to act according to their wish cause he also realized he couldn't control them. But there was a special condition on which Britannia agreed to be a part of wales.

"If the emperor or any of his future successor loses sanity or becomes corrupt, neglecting his own people, that will be the day the Britannians will cut their ties with the wales."

As Britannians always put people first, it was the most important condition. There is a reason behind it. As dragon worshippers, they were ordered to live for the people. So any kind of harm to the people under them was like neglecting the dragon lord's wish, and going against it was equal to the death penalty in their eyes.

But from the last few generations, the people who ascended the wales throne became more reckless. They were performing all types of crimes in the dark without getting into the public eyes. The throne, which was once seen as a way to serve the citizens, became a tool to obtain power.

After the duke got to know the wrongdoings of the emperor, he wanted to punish him, but he couldn't. Even though Britannia was powerful at that time, it wasn't enough as they needed a bigger force by their side, which was later filled up by Leon.

"We have declared this war not to gain power but to do the righteous. Our family had taken the oath to live forever for the people. But the crimes the former emperors had committed can't be forgiven. And the throne of an empire is now seen as a way to show power which was once a way to serve people. As stated by the first emperor we will do what seems to be right," the duke said.

"I will forever remember that grandfather, power is to protect the weak and to serve justice," Leon replied.

"Indeed you must, it's a war Leon and I know what you are thinking. There will be a lot of innocent people who will die on that battlefield. But that is how history is made or changed, it is cruel and painful but thinking of people and the future it's all worth it," the duke said.

"As expected of grandfather, he clearly knows what I am thinking and what worries me," Leon in his mind.

The duke's words assured Leon, and he stopped overthinking the situation. Now he started to focus on the upcoming problem.



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