The first exchange.

What the Tiger said to me, put me in deep thoughts. There were so many things to be done but at the same time it looked very simple to do. It was one of those situations that are harder than they seem. But you have to find a way out, no matter what.

I went to my "new" room, as I can call it now for a while, and there was a very beautiful and serious outfit for office work. There was a branded black skirt, a beautiful white shirt and also brand new heels for me. I mean that outfit was perfect. I had never had the chance to be dressed like that. Looking at the mirror, I had not felt that good looking at myself for a long time now. It felt as if someone was taking consideration of me, as I could get my full potential out to do whatever I wanted in this life. To achieve everything, to be successful and look as someone who has reached the top of the world.

But mostly now I had to worry about the Tiger's son, Nicholai. He was at the gym at the moment and I could tell he had not noticed any of my presence there. He seemed as if he did not care at all. So I had to come up with quite a good plan to get close to him. With all this charm now, I thought it could be easy. I thought so but that was not the reality. My simple plan was to act as if I was in the wrong room by accident and act as I was ashamed of being there in that situation while he was working out. And then put on a great act to make him feel bad and approach me to talk to make me feel better. There is a slight chance this does not work, so in case it does not work, I am going straight forward asking him questions such as who he is, or what he is doing here and so on. Plan was simple but I had to put on a great act, just like those Hollywood stars.

So as I left my room, I started acting a bit weirded out in case he went out of the gym. I arrived at the door and I had to put on the face of the act. Opening the door, I did not receive any notice from him. He had his headphones on and could not hear a single noise. I walked inside of the room to get his attention. Still no response. I had to get very close to him at least to get the attention I wanted. At that moment, he gave me a slight look, however he kept lifting weights without any worries. So I was stuck in there with no response. I was thinking of leaving at that moment as I had failed, but he stopped his workout and started talking to me while removing his headphones.

-"Who are you and what are you doing here? You do not look as if you are dressed for working out."-he said.

-"I am the new secretary and I was looking for my boss but I got lost and ended up here and I thought of asking you instead if you knew where the boss is at."

-"Do you mean my father? Hasn't he made a house tour for you? He always wants to market his house to new visitors. He loves how beautiful it is. However, I have no idea where he is."

-"You are his son?"-I said, acting as if I did not know something.

-"I guess my father does not introduce me to people now. Well, here I am, I am Nicholai. Nice to meet you."

-"Sonia. It is good to meet you too."

-"I like being straight forward to you Sonia. What did it bring you here working for my father? Have you not heard the stories about him? Are you that desperate to work for him?"

I wondered how he talked like that for his father. I guess he was right at what he said, however never in a million years I had to tell him about our deal.

-"I was looking for a job and someone told me I had a chance to work here so I applied and had the chance to talk to your father and he liked me and asked me to come. The payment is good so I guessed why not? I am only here to do my work in return for my payment, which I need for some of my things. Pretty simple."

-"I did not know my father was starting to do interviews. Good luck with your work though. You will need it. Furthermore, I guess you do not know my father well. The last one did not last more than a week here. May the odds be ever in your favor as an old quote says. Hope this week goes well."

At first when I heard this, I started to get scared not gonna lie. But I had to use this information on my side. If I could resist more than a week in here and have Tiger's word as a backup for that, I could win lots of points in this situation. I guess it may be in my favor, however, I need to buy some time from the Tiger.

-"One week. Weird. What could go wrong for a secretary here? If you do your job correctly, I do not think something like that can happen."-I acted as if I did not know what was wrong with his father.

-"You really do not know who my father is? Impressive. However, with time, you will understand. Good luck, you will need it. If there is any luck left for you here."

I did not have much to respond to. I did not want to get personal with him that quick into the conversation. So I had to come up with something.

-"I am confident in what I do. I think everything will go well. Anyways, may I ask you something?"

-"There have been more confident women than you in here. And they still left. I still wonder why my father needs a secretary. He changes them more often than his watches. And he loves watches. I guess he hates secretaries. Ask me whatever you want but quick, you are interrupting my training."

That confidence part was a good response. Nevertheless, it fitted my plan perfectly. My play of acting dumb.

-"If I have anything or any questions, can I come up to you and ask? I may need someone who can show me things. Or tell me where things may be. So I do not last a week here at least. I hope I make it in two weeks in the worst case scenario."

He was laughing sarcastically and that was a good sign for me. I guess the only emotions I had gotten from him so far was his hate towards his father.

-"Sure, you can find me in any of these rooms in this labyrinth of a house we have. When you find me, get your questions on a list and ask me. Now, good luck, I need to head back to my workout."

I just smiled and left. I did not get back a smile from him or so. But I guess I made quite a good progress. However, that guy had some deeper issues that I am unaware of. No emotions, small talk, no details. Something is off here. And my senses were telling me that. But if there was a person in this world that can through to any cold, unemotional and speechless people without getting hurt, here I am. I guess the challenge is on for me, and to be honest, I am starting to like it…