What is going on outside?

It had been a while since I was here. It felt like I was stuck in a stimulation full of challenges and in order to get out I had to complete them all, beat the ultimate boss and get the hell out of where I was. And with no contact with the outside world, beating the urge to cheat on the challenge and do that, I had no idea what was going on outside. I had no idea how my family was doing, how things were going for them, if anything was wrong. I also had to know how my friends were doing. Jacob and Jasmine, or Juan and Rose. And moreover, how was David hanging out there? What was he trying to do to communicate with me? Were they in danger or not? I was worried about them due to the fact that they had not seen me since I left my house. And knowing that I had gone to the mansion of terrors, I knew that they would think I was in danger.

I wanted to ask the Tiger for an opportunity of meeting at least a few of them, but I am more than sure of his answer. Personally, I am not expecting a positive answer out of him. At least more because of the fact that my challenge was not going as well as expected. I had a few meetings with his son, but I had not had the chance to get any closer to him. Most of our conversations were just boring and not intimidating. He always tells me why I am still here, while I reply provocatically towards him in order for me to get his intention. And most of our conversations are just usual ones, with jokes and nothing else. And at the moment that the conversation is ready to get more intime, he leaves. I guess that's the key to success with him. I need him to stay longer. However, I can't force him to do that. And just because of this fact, I think I had not the courage to tell the Tiger I wanted him to give me permission to meet up with them.

Most of the time I was trying to play chess with every single move of mine against one of the greatest opponents, The Tiger himself. So beating the grandmaster in chess is not an easy task to do. So I had to think a lot about my next move, his counter attack move and then probably think my other 10 moves at minimum. As much as I would love to meet them, there was a fear that this move of mine would be very risky. And this thing was creeping inside my stomach for days now. I had that feeling I had to know what was going on in the outside world. I could not go any longer like that. I just could not focus on my challenge inside if I did not meet at least one family member of mine or any of my friends. Just for them to know I am good and safe.

I was quite certain that they would try to get in touch with me from time to time. Especially David. I knew he was so frustrated with the fact that I was not close to him at the most beautiful moment we had with one another. And that was giving me an urge to get in touch with them as soon as I possibly could. But how could I tell the Tiger that? I had no simple option given to me to tell him that. Although we have a meeting today with each other.

Nervosity started hitting me hard each minute passing by. The sooner the meeting was approaching, the more I thought about telling him what I felt inside of me. I was shaking but I had to hold myself in front of him. He was coming slowly towards his office, with his sunglasses on, with zero expression on his face. Simply, he shook his head to tell me to enter his office. As per usual, I started opening the files and telling what needed to be done in the next few days. Even though I did that, he knew almost everything he had on his plans, besides family ones. That moment I understood that there were some family issues there.

Everything was going normally. At one point, he started staring at me. And he came up with a surprising question:

-"I know something is off with you today. Tell me, maybe we can find a solution."

I was quite surprised with that. How can you beat this person? He knew at the spot that I was having something inside of me bothering me. Do I tell him? I think honesty is a good thing. Moreover he just asked me.

-"Well how to tell you this…but I kinda miss my family and I wanted to tell them how I am and see how they are doing. That would be really helpful for me to give me some sort of motivation. I have been missing them a lot recently. I know I have not done a lot in my work, but I really need to see them. They are my family, there is nothing that feels that way. I just want to see them. I will not tell you anything about what we are doing here. Just to let them know that I am okay, but I want to see them and make them feel a little better. If you could provide me with this opportunity, I would be really appreciative and work 10 times harder."

With no hesitation at all, he gave me a positive response. On the weekend he said he would give me some time to meet them. I was a little shocked. But I guess honesty is above all. Honesty always wins. Or maybe there is another plan in his head. At that time I did not understand at all. But I took it as a good signal that I had earned the Tiger's trust. That made me feel at ease, quite better, and more positive. My mood drastically changed from "about to vomit" to "the best news I can get". We continued our work with not much left to be said.

As I left the office, I started dancing in the hallway, a victorious dance, as I had won one of my battles. Nothing could ruin that day at that moment. Or so I thought. As I was going closer to my room, I saw a note, a note hanging on my door. What is that note I presumed? What could it be? As soon as I opened the letter, I started shaking. It was a note, a note from Rose. That note basically could turn everything around. Was it really from Rose? Was it really her telling me those things? I did not know what to believe. But that day was again turned upside down, and I was at the risk of losing it all if the Tiger knew…