Who is who?

Sitting there in the balcony, created some sort of emotional bond with one another. It was the first time we were creating some connection with each other. According to my plan, everything was on the right path. Now, I had to understand more about his story and so on. But at the same time, I had to be careful not to tell him anything that he should not hear. Now, at this time, I had to let him talk first, ask the questions he wanted answers from me, and if I somehow won his trust, then would be my time to ask the questions I needed to.

-"So, you are Sonia right?"-asked him.

-"Yes, and you are Nicholai, I guess.."-replied I while laughing.

-"What are you doing here? What is the reason for you being here?"-asked Nicholai

I had to make sure I created a convincing story in order to earn his trust.