Find the fox.

Life works in such mysterious ways. It circles things around and at some point in time it brings them together. We always meant to be close to each other. Our energy is connected. That is why life worked in that way to bring us together. In the place where no one thought that we would be together. In the place where we were for just one reason. To get the information we needed to get to help our friend, that we loved so much. Finally we were four. Finally we were together. We just needed David but I guess it would be easier now for us to convince him to help us.

Even though Juan was quite angry when he saw them out of there, we did not have time for judgments or conflicts. Probably another time we would discuss with each other the reasons for their disappearance. But right now, the only thing we had to do correctly was follow our plan. So I had to interrupt them and change the subject: