In touch with the outside world.

A mixture of emotions, feelings, moments were passing through me at that specific moment. I had never wondered that one day at one point in my life I would feel this way. Missing a presence so much even though they are alive and breathing. A person like me would never be at loss for words. But at this moment, I was frozen. Frozen in time. Frozen at the moment. Frozen at those eyes looking at me, with such emotions. I broke down in tears. In tears of joy, in tears of suffering. In tears of excitement, in tears of sadness. All of them were mixed together at that specific moment in time. A bunch of everything. I wished that everything would stop at that moment. It was enough. Enough of everything. Enough of what had happened. Just one moment to be framed in my timeline. I had never known how much it meant for me. It meant the world. It meant my existence. It was all I had in my life.