Game plan.

Do you ever make plans about summer and what are you going to do with your friends, where are you going to go or how you gonna spend all the free summer time? For me, summer is the best season of the year, and moreover for the fact that it is also my birthday. But in summer you can swim, go out, dress cool, hang out, party, and do a couple of activities or jobs that you can't do while you are at school. You are free from the school pressure and the only thing you could do, is enjoy the next 3 months having the fun and the freedom you have been waiting for months.

This summer was different for me. Well, first of all, as you all know, I was 5 years back into the past, had a terrible accident happen to me, and moreover my whole life is totally upside down. Nothing is the same for me anymore. I touched my end point, I got depressed for a while and now I am working with an awesome team on how to fix all this. What can I add more?