
My heart was beating rapidly fast. Until that moment of time, I was already more emotional and confused that I would have ever thought. Nick had already made a big opening of the night, that I had never seen or experienced in my life. He was making me feel very comfortable and making me feel as I was a fictional disney barbie. He looked so focused and had everything well thought and put into pieces together. And to remember, I thought of refusing this date. This guy had already done too much for me and it was just the beginning of the night.

We were talking for a while about our past days just to break the ice. Meanwhile, Nick pulled out a little champagne for us to drink. Well, I could say that limo looked quite expensive, but it was decorated with a red color and with many roses. And I thought for the moment, he is spending way too much just for me. I guess he likes me a lot more than I expected him to. As we were drinking a glass of champagne, Nick started saying: